CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2016/M1654. Improve network security features

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Revision as of 21:00, 28 October 2016 by Gpollep (talk | contribs) (Addded Introduction about Servo and Rust)
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M1654: Improve network security features for Servo (cookies and strict referrer policies)

Servo supports standard [HTTP cookies] and parts of the Referral-Policy web standard. The project aims at increasing the security available to Servo browser users by implementing secure standards and complete the missing parts of the existing implementations. The project involves adding "strict" version of existing referrer policies.



Rust is a systems programming language developed and maintained by Mozilla. It is used as a multi-paradigm, compiled programming language for creating highly safe systems. Rust can be used for a variety of jobs including and not restricted to embedding into other languages, creating modular and optimized programs adhering to space-time constraints and can also be used to develop low-level code for writing device drivers.title


Servo is a modern high-performance browser engine designed for both application and embedded use which is written in Rust. It is created by Mozilla Research and is being built by a global community of individual contributors and companies such as Mozilla and Samsung.