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E1575 - Share the data in Expertiza to a remote server via PRML format

Problem Statement

Educational peer-review systems like Expertiza contains a huge volume of data accumulated during the course of its use. Each peer-review system has a different database design. The relational model is so diverse that, it is often difficult to share the data across different peer-review systems.

In order to migrate a student’s data from one peer-review system to another, one will have to do the following:

  1. Understand the database design/schema of the source peer-review system
  2. Understand the database design/schema of the destination peer-review system
  3. Find the equivalent tables and relations in the destination peer-review system for the source peer-review system
  4. Retrieve the data from the source peer-review system
  5. Modify it to match the schema of the destination peer-review system
  6. Insert the data to the destination peer-review system database.

This is a very tedious job. Moreover, with such a diverse schema it is quite difficult to leverage the power of this large structured data and run any sort of analytics on it.


One solution to the above mentioned problem is to have a common schema which can capture the essence of all the reviews in a peer-review system to its entirety. Moreover, this schema should not capture any information specific to a particular peer-review system. Once such a schema standard is in place the different peer-review systems can export the data in their database to this new standard and the data can be easily shared across different peer-review systems.


Peer Review Markup Language is such a standard schema which can capture information about different reviews to its entirety.

Scope of the Project

The scope of this project is to export the data from the Expertiza database to PRML format.

Expertiza Design Document

Expertiza Database Diagram

Expertiza database schema to PRML database schema map

Table Name Courses Course
Attributes id CourseId
null CourseCIPCode
name CourseTitle
info CourseDescription
null CourseLevelID
created_at CourseCreated
null CourseStarted
null CourseEnded
Table Name Assignments Assignment
Attributes id AssignmentId
null AssignmentCIPCode
name AssignmentTitle
spec_location AssignmentDescription
course_id CourseID
TABLE NAME due_dates, deadline_types Task
due_dates.deadline_type_id TaskTypeID TaskTitle
due_dates.description_url TaskDescription
NULL TaskOpen
due_dates.due_at TaskDue