CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2015 M1504 Implement support for missing XMLHttpRequest APIs

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Servo <ref> </ref> is a web browser layout engine written in Rust<ref></ref> and is currently being developed by Mozilla Research. The aim of the project is not to create a full browser but is rather to create a highly parallel environment that allows for many components be handled by fine-grained, isolated tasks.<ref></ref>

Servo is built on top of Rust to provide a secure and reliable foundation and is focused on creating a reliable and fast browser engine.


Rust is a multi-paradigm, compiled programming language that is a good language for creating highly safe systems. Rust and Servo have a symbiotic relationship as the development of servo has influenced the design of the language.

Rust is a modern, fast, memory safe and multithreaded programming language that focuses on speed and safety for developing reliable and efficient systems. It eliminates all data races by having numerous compile-time safety checks that adds no runtime overhead.<ref></ref>


"XMLHttpRequest is a definition of an API that provides scripted client functionality for transferring data between a client and a server."<ref></ref> XMLHttpRequest provides a way for data to be retrieved from a URL without having to retrieve the entire page. It supports protocols other than HTTP and can be used to retrieve any type of data.<ref></ref>

Component Flow Diagram

{{wide image|Component Flow Diagram.png|1000px|alt=component flow diagram)}


