CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2015/oss E1550 KMM

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E1550: Refactoring response.rb and response_helper.rb


response.rb is the class that manages the response to all rubrics in Expertiza. if someone fills out a review form, the instance of the review form is a Response. If someone gives feedback (a “rejoinder”) to an author, that is a Response too. Or if someone evaluates a teammate contribution, fills out a survey, or takes a quiz, they are creating a Response.

Rubric type checking via message to ResponseMap

Ensure score calculations utilize the weight of questions

Relocate/Refactor code for sending emails to app/mailers

Remove comments in lines 25-27


response_helper.rb contains helper methods that display the questionnaires and rearrange questions so that the most frequently answered questions are at the bottom while the less frequently answered questions are at the top.

Refactor construct_table method

Method is no longer being used in Expertiza and has been removed.

Refactor rearrange_questions method

Method is no longer being used in Expertiza and has been removed.