CSC/ECE 517 Spring 2015/oss E1504 IMV

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E1504. Refactoring the Bookmark Model

This page provides a description of the Expertiza based OSS project. This team project successfully refactored the Bookmark Model by removing the duplicate code, combining the methods, improving the search function, moving Bmapping model methods to their respective class, covering dependencies associated with changed segments and adding a User Interface for using bookmarks.

Introduction to Expertiza

Expertiza is a project developed using the Ruby on Rails platform. It provides features like peer review, team assignments and submission of projects. This can be achieved by submitting code base, URL of hosted code on remote server and Wiki submissions. It is an open source application and the code can be cloned from GitHub. This application provides an efficient way to manage assignments, grades and reviews, which makes the process easier and faster when the class strength is large.

Expertiza is supported by National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0536558. Additional funding from the NCSU Learning in a Technology-Rich Environment (LITRE) program, the NCSU Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning, the NCSU STEM Initiative, and the Center for Advanced Computing and Communication.

Problem Statement

Classes involved:

What they do:

What needs to be done:

Changes Made

Bookmark Model

Bookmark Controller


Re-factored Code Cases

Case 1 :


After Changes



Case 2 :

Steps to verify changes

Instructor Role

Student Role

See Also
