CSC/ECE 506 Spring 2012/1a mw

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Revision as of 23:55, 30 January 2012 by Mewilbor (talk | contribs) (Moved introductory text to the introduction section)
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Comparisons Between Supercomputers


Supercomputers are specialized computers that are generally very expensive, not available for general purpose use and are used in computations where large amounts of numerical processing is required <ref> Definition of supercomputer</ref>, <ref> Definition of supercomputer</ref>.

Supercomputers are generally compared qualitatively using floating point operations per second, or FLOPS. Using standard prefixes, higher levels of FLOPS can be specified as the computing power of supercomputers increases. For example, KiloFLOPS for thousands of FLOPS and MegaFLOPS for millions of FLOPS <ref> Doran, Kevin (April 2011) Comparing the performance of supercomputers</ref>.

A software package called LINPACK is a standard approach to testing or benchmarking supercomputers by solving a dense set of linear systems of equations using the Gauss method. <ref> LINPACK defined</ref>. However, LINPACK benchmarking software isn't only used to benchmark supercomputers, it can also be used to benchmark a typical user computer <ref> Intel Benchmark Software</ref>.

Section 1

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Section 1, Subsection 2

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Section 2

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Section N

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<references />