CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2023 - E2386. Reimplement teams users backend

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Description of Project

The focal point of the project is the Team_user model, capturing information about mentors, team members, and affiliations with other models such as Users and Teams. This model undertakes various responsibilities, including the formation of teams with enrolled students and the display of team members. Oversight of team management falls under the purview of the Team_user_controller, which orchestrates CRUD operations on the Team_user model. Its duties span the creation, modification, and deletion of teams, along with the administration of team members through additions or removals. Furthermore, the controller provides a list of mentors associated with Team_users.

Problem Statement

The project involves creating a backend system for seamless CRUD operations on a relational database, specifically focusing on interactions between teams and users. This requires defining "Team_Users" model with suitable attributes and relationships, establishing controllers to manage CRUD actions, and setting up corresponding routes. Emphasis is placed on rigorous testing, covering model validations and associations, as well as controller actions to ensure accurate execution of CRUD operations. A key project aspect involves refining code to produce precise JSON responses. Adhering to RESTful conventions, the re-implementation includes appropriate HTTP response codes. RSpec tests are mandatory for both the Team_Users model and TeamUsersController, covering all endpoints and incorporating HTTP response codes. These controller tests are designed to integrate seamlessly with RSwag for generating API documentation and testing REST APIs through the Swagger UI.


  • Craft RESTful endpoints for creating, displaying, and deleting invitations, along with approving new invitations. Additionally, provide functionality for listing pending invitations, creating new invitations, and notifying students about newly formed team invitations.
  • Develop and integrate methods within the Team_usersController to facilitate invitation-related operations, including creating, accepting, declining, and canceling invitations. Ensure thorough checks of user and team statuses before initiating or accepting invitations.
  • Establish a user-invitation system that empowers invited users to accept, decline, or cancel invitations, triggering corresponding updates to the associated Team_user records. This should seamlessly manage the addition or removal of users from teams.
  • Implement an email notification system within the user-invitation framework, sending email notifications to invited users upon the issuance of new invitations.
  • Enforce the use of proper status codes and robust validation mechanisms for all RESTful endpoints.
  • Construct models and controllers for the Team_user model, incorporating contemporary approaches to writing Ruby code. This involves leveraging language features and adhering to best practices for object-oriented design.
  • Compose comprehensive RSpec tests covering all APIs, models, and controllers to ensure the robustness and reliability of the entire system.