CSC/ECE 517 Spring 2019/E1933 Allow reviewer to say review can be shown to class as an example

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Questions for Akanksha

1) Is the instructor going to be able to select only one example review or many examples?

Reviews in Expertiza

In Expertiza, students can review other team's project. The instructors can create assignment specific questions based on which students can write these reviews. The questions are in rating and/or comment form. Currently the students can only see what review their team got for their work. The instructors can see who reviewed each team and the review they gave.

What is this project adding to the reviews?

The goal of this project is to enable instructors to select certain reviews to show as examples to the entire class. Thus the students will be able to see good reviews that one student has submitted for another student's work. The students will be able to get understand what a good review looks like and what exactly is expected from them when they review any other team's work.

What needs to be done?

1) Creating a checkbox: When a student submits a review, they should be able to choose if they want to make their review public or private. Thus we are going to add a checkbox to the review page.
2) Allow instructors to select(remove) sample reviews: If a review has been made public by the reviewer, the instructor will be able to select that review to be made an example review. If the review is already an example review, the instructor will be able to remove from the set of example reviews. If the review was private, the instructor will be shown a notice that 'This review is private.' and they will not be able to select it.
3) Allow students to see good reviews: When a student wants to review other team's work, they will be shown a link to sample reviews that the instructor has selected for them.
4) Sample reviews need not be from the current session of a course: When an instructor selects sample reviews, they should be shown to students in all sessions of that course even after the original session has ended.
5) Allow students to make a review private: Students should be able to make a review private even after they have made it public. If a review has been made private after an instructor has selected it as an example review, it should still not be displayed to students as an example review.

Files that will change

  • create migration for the responses model called status which can take on the values 'selected', 'public' and 'private'.
  • create a status field in responses model: schema.rb.
    add a column "status" in response.rb model.
  • create a checkbox in a view: views/response/response.html.erb:333.
  • add code to check the status field from response.html.erb and update the db, in controller: app/controllers/response_controller.rb(in method "create").