CSC/ECE 517 Spring 2024 - E2417. Reimplement submitted content controller.rb

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E2417. Reimplement Submitted Content Controller

This page provides a description of the Expertiza based OSS Project E2417. Reimplement the SubmittedContentController

About Expertiza

Expertiza is an open-source web application facilitating peer feedback and assessment in educational courses. It enables students to submit work, review peers' submissions, and receive feedback. The platform supports anonymous peer reviews, grading rubrics, and discussion forums. Its goal is to enhance collaborative learning and improve the quality of student work through constructive criticism.


A submitted content controller should have the functionalities to manage the submitted content, for eg, the CRUD operations for submissions, different types of submissions, etc. The goal here is to implement this controller via API's and use principles of Object-Oriented Programming such as SOLID.

Problem Description

The reimplementation of SubmittedContentController in Expertiza needs to be done to enhance its functionality and maintainability. It should handle various tasks like file submissions and uploads, hyperlink submissions, and downloads, but the controller suffers from code redundancy and mixed responsibilities within methods. The reimplementation aims to ensure participants receive appropriate messages and HTTP status codes for actions like uploading files and deleting them, while also using SOLID principles, refactoring DRY code and minimizing excessive use of instance variables. The goal is to optimize the controller's design, adhering to best practices in readability and modularity.

Current Implementation

Improvements in New Code

Deployment Link

Github Repo

PR Link

Future Scope (Phase 2 of Project)

Relevant links

  1. Github Repo


  1. Expertiza on GitHub
  2. The live Expertiza website
  3. Expertiza project documentation wiki
  4. Rspec Documentation