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=== Available Integration Testing Tools ===
=== Available Integration Testing Tools ===
**Focused on testing the user experience.   
**Focused on testing the user experience.  [ (29)]
**Black-box test automation tool.  
**Black-box test automation tool.  
**Low overhead.
**Low overhead.

Revision as of 05:35, 14 February 2013

Writing Meaningful Test case


When testing an application, there are several testing methods that can be followed. Ideally, an application will be tested using all appropriate methods of testing. This document details four types of testing. Unit testing deals with tests at an object or class level. Functional testing verifies the behavior of the application. Integration testing validates object interaction. Performance tests focus on the responsiveness and scalability of an application. A commonality of all these testing methods is that the test results are only as valuable as the tests are meaningful. Even with almost 100% code coverage, many tests could have assertions returning inaccurate results. Understanding the testing methods is key to writing meaningful tests cases aimed at testing the most valuable system components with industry best practices.

Unit Test

The purpose of the unit test process is to ensure each line of code for a module functions correctly to meet functional and technical requirements. In Test Driven Development, test code is developed before or alongside application code. Automated unit tests execute application code after it is built and provide reports on test results. Furthermore, unit tests are a critical tool for any developer. They allow developers to quickly and easily test code in a repeatable and maintainable way.

Advantages and Limitations


Unit testing provides the following advantages

  • Catch bugs at time of implementation by testing as you develop. Small units of work are easier to code and debug. If you write all of your code and start testing when coding is complete, then testing will be much more difficult.
  • Easily test changes in code. Because the unit test is designed to test the business case, if the technical implementation changes, the unit test can be rerun to ensure that the technical redesign has not changed the program's result.
  • Prove to your supervisor and yourself that the code works after refactoring or adding functionality.
  • Verify 'corner' cases that may not be tested within the System Test phase.
  • Demonstrate a level of quality to the client.
  • Ensure that no other developer has undermined the quality of your code.


Software testing is a combinatorial problem. For example, every boolean decision statement requires at least two tests: one with an outcome of "true" and one with an outcome of "false". As a result, for every line of code written, programmers often need 3 to 5 lines of test code.(3) This obviously takes time and its investment may not be worth the effort. There are also many problems that cannot easily be tested. For example, those that are nondeterministic or involve multiple threads. In addition, writing code for a unit test is as likely as the source code to be at least as buggy as the code it is testing.

Best Practices

Testing Trivial Code

Unit tests should test those segments of code that are likely to have defects when first developed, or are likely to have defects introduced when changed. Like all software development activities, there is a cost benefit analysis that can be applied to writing unit tests. For normal enterprise business software, it is not worthwhile to test trivial code.

Typical examples of trivial code in Java include simple getter and setter methods for properties and simple constructors.

class User {
  private String name;

  public String getName() {
    return name;

  public void setName(String newName) {
    name = newName;

class UserTest extends TestSuite {
  public void testNameProperty() {
    User user = new User();

    String testName = "test";
    assertEquals(testName, user.getName());

Using hardcoded values when checking test results

Some tests have a hardcoded value when checking the results of some operation. This value is often separately hardcoded in the application code being tested. When the value is changed in the application code, the test is guaranteed to fail.

class CustomerWebController {
  public String doOperationReturningNextPage(UserInput input) {
    // some random logic...
    return "newCustomer.jsp";

class CustomerWebControllerTest extends TestSuite {
  public void testDoOperation() {
    CustomerWebController controller = new CustomerWebController();
    UserInput input = getInputForNewCustomer();
    String result = controller.doOperationReturningNextPage(input);
    assertEquals("newCustomer.jsp", result);

The DRY Principle (Don't Repeat Yourself)

The fix for this is simply the application of the DRY principle: Don't Repeat Yourself (from the book The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master by Andrew Hunt and David Thomas). When you go to use a magic value more than once, define it as a constant (or method) and then refer to that constant (or method). To improve the example, we define a constant for the "newCustomer.jsp" value.

class CustomerWebController {
  public static final NEW_CUSTOMER_PAGE = "newCustomer.jsp";
    public String doOperationReturningNextPage(UserInput input) {
      // some random logic...
      return NEW_CUSTOMER_PAGE;

class CustomerWebControllerTest extends TestSuite {
  public void testDoOperation() {
    CustomerWebController controller = new CustomerWebController();
    UserInput input = getInputForNewCustomer();
    String result = controller.doOperationReturningNextPage(input);
    assertEquals(CustomerWebController.NEW_CUSTOMER_PAGE, result);

Being too dependent on specific test data

There is some debate on whether or not unit tests should involve the database. In practice, this is actually quite common and serves a useful purpose. However, problems often occur because such tests are overly dependent on specific data in the database. As new tests are written and new test data is added, this can cause existing tests to fail regardless of if they are related.

class CustomerDataAccess {
  public List findCustomers(CustomerCriteria criteria) {
    // Logic to query database based on criteria
    return customersFound;

class CustomerDataAccessTest extends TestSuite {
  public void testFindCustomers {
    CustomerDataAccess customerDataAccess = new CustomerDataAccess();
    CustomerCriteria criteria = new CustomerCriteria();
    String firstNameToFind = "Bob";
    List results = customerDataAcess.findCustomers(criteria);
    assertEquals(2, results.size());

The following example code has a problem in that the test expects there to be only two customers with a first name of 'Bob', which must have been the case when the test was first written and executed. However, a developer could add another customer named 'Bob' at any point in time while unaware of the existing code. This could suddenly cause this test to fail. The general fix for situations such as this it to minimize the number of assumptions you make about the test data. This reduces the level of coupling between the test and the data, which makes either easier to change independently of the other.

To improve this particular example, we simply need to change the test to check that each result matches the criteria we specified.

class CustomerDataAccessTest extends TestSuite {
  public void testFindCustomers {
    CustomerDataAccess customerDataAccess = new CustomerDataAccess();
    CustomerCriteria criteria = new CustomerCriteria();
    String firstNameToFind = "Bob";
    List results = customerDataAcess.findCustomers(criteria);
    for (Customer customer : results) {
      assertEquals(firstNameToFind, customer.getFirstName());

Code Coverage

This is an analysis method that determines which parts of the software have been executed (covered) by the test case suite. It also determines which parts have not been executed and may require additional attention.

Some Additional Best Practices

  • Keep each test independent of others.
    • Do not make unnecessary assumptions.
      • It is counterproductive to assert anything that is already asserted by another test.
      • Avoids increasing the frequency of failures related to the same root cause.
      • Only apply asserts that apply to the functionality being tested.
      • Follow a rule of one assertion per test.
    • Test one set of code at a time.
    • Avoid unnecessary preconditions.
      • Only run preliminary code that is related to the test to be run.
      • Use common preliminary code only when the associated tests actually require it.
  • Keep configuration settings separate from the unit tests.
  • Use clear and consistent naming for all unit tests.


Effective Use of Assertions

  • Make one logical assertion per test.
  • Each assert should be made in relation to the functionality being tested.
  • Avoid making any assertions that are already covered by another existing assertion.

Writing Effective Unit Tests

  • Scope is crucial.
    • Narrow scope may result in trivial test results that provide no real value.
    • Broad scope may test too much that it becomes difficult to determine root cause of failures.
  • Group tests according to a major feature/functionality.
    • Include enough tests to cover that specific feature/functionality.
  • Define unit tests at the method level.
    • Some methods will involve groups of objects. In this case, testing should isolate the groups of objects for testing.
      • Identifies segments of related code.
  • Read the code and check if it catches an error or throws an error.
    • Easy identification of a method with potential to break.
    • Unit tests should cover error scenarios.
  • Total unit tests should cover the functional requirements of the code at a minimum.


Brief Description of Some Available Unit Testing Tools

  • GrandTestAuto (19)
    • Enables completely automated testing of Java software.
    • More advanced than JUnit.
    • Simple to use.
    • Supports distribution of tests across a network.
    • Integrates with additional tools.
  • JUnit (20)
    • Enables automated testing of Java software.
    • Simple to use.
    • Makes it easy to identify test failures.
    • Open source tool.
  • NUnit (21)
    • Provides a unit testing framework for .NET software.
    • Takes advantage of existing .NET language features.

Functional Test

The purpose of functional test is to measure the behavioral quality of a software application. Functional tests verify that the system responds appropriately from the user perspective and functions according to the design requirements used to specify the application. The functional test must determine if each component of a software application performs in accordance to the specifications, responds correctly to all conditions that may be presented by incoming events, processes incoming events correctly from one business event to the other, and produces an appropriate outcome from incoming events.


Functional has several benefits in order to develop a robust software application. Here are the advantages:

  • It verifies that an application works as per specifications across multiple platforms, browsers and technologies.
  • Make sure that a certain feature is completed from a user's point of view.
  • A tester needs no knowledge of implementation, including specific programming languages in order to execute the test.
  • Tester and programmer are independent from each other
  • It will help to expose any ambiguities or inconsistencies in the specification
  • Test cases can be designed as soon as the specification is completed.

Best Practices

Functional tests are the measurement for an application's code completion. It makes sure that all the feature and functionalities are working as expected from an end user perspective. Therefore, it is important to design functional tests that will expose any vulnerabilities and assure confidence in an application. Before writing a test, it is very important to understand how the software is supposed to behave. Functional specification documents will have all the details about the behavior of the application. The first thing to do before writing any test cases is to write the functional specification document. Once the specification is read, it is important to organize tests to make sure that they cover each and every feature and functionality of the application. This will make sure that all the components are thoroughly tested and enable identify any gaps in testing. Test cases should be written prior to developing functionality. This will lead to identification of preconditions and establish expected behavior. Additionally, this will help to automate the functional tests and enables another person to run the test regardless of their knowledge of the expected behavior. The test cases should also cover very rare situations. Software developers tend to develop applications strictly according to its specification. They may not appropriately code the program to work for rare cases. A majority of the bugs are found when applications are used in rare input conditions. Therefore, it is important to make sure that functional tests are created to test boundary conditions, error cases, and rare input cases.

Ensuring Effectiveness and Efficiency Through the Functional Testing Lifecycle

  • Requirements Gathering
    • Define clear and complete requirements that can be tested.
  • Test Planning
    • Establish guidelines and standards for creating tests.
    • Identify the required hardware and software for the testing environment.
  • Test Strategizing
    • Utilize resources to achieve optimum test coverage.
  • Test Execution
    • Define an efficient test execution flow.
  • Collect Testing Metrics
    • Gauge the test progress and quality of the testing.
    • Make continuous improvements as needed.


Writing functional tests

An application may have several features and each of those features have several functionalities of their own. With a vast number of overall functionalities, there is a possibility that a functionality may be overlooked. Therefore, it is a good practice to organize test cases by their features and functionalities. This can help ensure that no feature or functionality is missed.

The following is a sample organization structure of functional test cases:

<Feature 1>
  <Function 1>
    <Test 1>
    <Test 1/>
    <Test 2>
    <Test 2/>
  <Function 1/>
<Feature 1/>
<Feature 2>
  <Function 1>
    <Test 1>
    <Test 1/>
  <Function 1/>
<Feature 2/>

Test cases can be executed by anybody if they are written in a meaningful way for anyone to understand. In order to create a meaningful test case, a test case should have specific components. First, it should have a purpose statement on what it is intended to test. Second, the test case should have a setup component that is run prior to executing the test. Third, it should have steps to execute the test. Fourth, it should have expected behavior to compare against for the determination of if the test passed or failed. Finally, it should have a cleanup procedure to make sure that the system is reverting back to the original state.

Here is a sample of a test case:

<Test 1>
    “Purpose of the test case”
    “Steps to prepare the system prior to executing the test case”
    “Steps required executing the test”
  <Expected Behavior>
    “Expected behavior of the test case”
  <Expected Behavior/>
    “Steps required to cleaning up the environment to revert back”
<Test 1/>

Writing functional test cases for 100% coverage can be a seemingly impossible task that would require a tester to continue writing functional test forever. Even when there are several functionalities requiring testing, there can be situations in which the functional testing of major functionalities and features must be completed in a short amount of time. This type of situation can be handled by assigning priorities to each functional test. Higher priority tests should cover key features. Lower priority tests should cover less important features.

Functionality test tools

Functional tests can become very large in size and that can make them difficult to maintain and time-consuming to execute manually. Therefore, it is a good practice to automate the test cases. There are several tools available that automate functional testing. Here are some lists of some of the tools available:

Quick Test Professional

The Quick Test Professional tool enables the automation of functional tests through an user interface. It detects objects in the user interface and performs desired operations simulating a mouse click or keyboard events. The tool can also be used to automate functional tests on graphical and non-graphical user interfaces. It allows collaboration through the storage of similar object definitions in a single repository manager, which can be shared among other testers. The same repository can maintain automated and manual test cases.


JFunc is an open-source functional testing tool that helps to automate functional test cases. JFunc is an extension of the JUnit test framework. It serves to ease the creation of manual functional test suites. JFunc can handle multiple test failures by allowing the functional test to not exit after the first failure. Verbose assertions have more detail about the test failures and error messages. New arguments can be passed into a test each time it runs.


Waitir is a web application testing tool for the Ruby language. Waitir tests the web application on all web browsers on different platforms. It distinguishes from other web application functional testing tools by executing tests at the web browser layer and by driving a web browser and the interacting with objects on a web page. This is more accurate than manual functional testing. Here is a sample test case that validates the search operation:

# Purpose: To Validate the search capability of the browser.
# Setup:
  require "watir"
  test_site = ""
  browser =
  browser.goto test_site
  browser.text_field(:name, "q").set "pickaxe"
# Execution:
  browser.button(:name, "btnG").click # "btnG" is the name of the Search button
# Expected Behavior: “A Google page with results should be shown. 'Programming Ruby' should be high on the list."
  if browser.text.include? "Programming Ruby"  
    puts "  Test Passed. Found the test string: 'Programming Ruby'. Actual Results match Expected Results."
    puts "  Test Failed! Could not find: 'Programming Ruby'." 

Additional Functional Testing Tools

  • Arbiter (24)
    • Document-based acceptance testing.
    • Driven by requirements documents in Microsoft Word or RTF file formats.
    • Requirements are used to establish a glossary and test suite.
  • Blerby Test Runner (25)
    • Ajax test runner for php software.
    • Allows for instant feedback while performing on-the-fly code refactoring.
    • Tracks test dependencies.
    • Automatically re-runs affected tests when corresponding code changes.
  • Concordion (26)
    • Open source framework for testing Java software.
    • Allows for plain English descriptions of requirements to be converted into automated tests.
    • Specifications are linked to the software system itself and prevents tests from becoming outdated.
    • Notifications inform when a change in system behavior causes associated test to fail.
  • Eclipse Jubula (27)
    • Provides automated UI functional testing for HTML and Java applications.
    • Aimed at creating tests from the user perspective.
    • Limited coding efforts required.
  • Robotium (28)
    • Test framework to write black-box and white-box tests for Android applications.
    • Requires test case suite to be installed on the same device or simulator as the application.
    • Access the application to execute tests scenarios in a real environment.


Integration Test

The purpose of integration testing is to test the combination of individual components working together. This type of testing can expose faults that result from the interaction between the integrated components. (13)

Various Approaches to Integration Testing

  • Big Bang - All or most of the individual components are combined and tested at one time. This approach is typically utilized when a test team receives an entire software bundle.
  • Top Down - Top level components are tested initially. Lower level components are tested subsequently in a step by step method. This approach is used whenever development is taking the same type of approach. In this approach, test stubs are needed to simulate lower level components that are not yet available.
  • Bottom Up - Bottom level components are tested initially. This approach is used whenever development is taking the same type of approach. In this approach, test stubs are needed to simulate higher level components that are not yet available.
  • Sandwich/Hybrid - This approach is a combination of the Top Down and Bottom up approaches.

Advantages to Each Approach

  • Big Bang
    • Convenient for smaller systems.
    • Quick.
    • Cheap.
    • No stubs or stand-in objects are needed.
  • Top Down
    • Potential for early identification of major flaws near the top of the product.
    • Critical components are tested on priority.
    • Easier to isolate root cause of interface errors due to the incremental approach.
  • Bottom Up
    • Potential for early identification of major flaws near the bottom of the product.
    • Easier to create test conditions.
    • No need to wait for all modules to be developed.
    • Each component and unit gets tested for correctness before being integrated.
    • Typically results in a more robust system.
  • Sandwich/Hybrid
    • Useful for larger projects with several subprojects.


Best Practices

  • Create only the integration tests needed. These tests offer great value at the cost of a great amount of work to properly set up and time to execute. Consider only testing the default scenarios. There should be enough testing to validate that critical or high-severity defects no longer exist.
  • Do not depend on specific data to be available to the test. Always have any necessary data created prior to the execution of a test. Anyone with proper access could delete or modify test data and break a test, which is another reason it should not be assumed to be available.
  • Use multiple asserts for each test. Due to the time consumption of integration tests, it is recommended that tests be consolidated. In this type of testing, it is considered better to ignore following a one assert per test rule.
  • When seeking to validate the same functionality and there is an option between creating a unit test or an integration test, always choose the unit test. Unit tests will run faster and be easier to set up.


Available Integration Testing Tools

  • eggPlant
    • Focused on testing the user experience. (29)
    • Black-box test automation tool.
    • Low overhead.
    • Non-invasive. Not required to run on the same system under test.
    • Image capture and search techniques prevent most UI changes from affecting existing tests.
  • Ruby Capybara
    • Designed for Ruby on Rails applications.
    • Tests rack-based web applications.
    • Simulates how a user interacts with a website.
  • Selenium
    • Provides automated integration testing for Java web applications.
    • Provides automation-aided exploratory testing.
    • Distributes testing across many environments.
    • Supports testing on many types of web browsers.

Performance Test

The purpose of performance testing is to determine speed and effectiveness. Various quantitative and qualitative attributes may be used. Examples of quantitative attributes include response time and number of MIPS (millions of instructions per second). Examples of qualitative attributes include scalability, interoperability, and reliability. (10)

Performance testing can be used to determine the speed of a specific aspect of a system with a specific workload. This allows for the identification of poor performance areas and for the establishment of acceptable thresholds required to maintain acceptable response time.

There are several types of performance testing. Understanding the various types helps to minimize cost, reduce risk, and to know when it is appropriate to apply which type of test on a project.

Key Types of Performance Testing & Their Advantages

  • Performance test - Determines speed, stability, and/or scalability.
    • Focuses on determining user satisfaction with regards to performance.
    • Identifies differences between the expectations and reality of existing performance.
    • Supports optimization and capacity planning.
  • Load test - Verifies application behavior under both normal and peak load conditions.
    • The hardware environment is evaluated for adequacy.
    • Detects concurrency issues.
    • Detects functional errors that occur under load.
    • Supports determination of maximum simultaneous users prior to performance being compromised.
    • Supports determination of maximum load before limits of resource utilization are exceeded.
  • Stress test - Determines behavior when conditions exceed normal or peak load conditions.
    • Identifies if over-stressing the system can corrupt data.
    • Supports establishment of application-monitoring triggers that can warn of impending failures.
    • Determines side effects of failures related to hardware or applications.
    • Identifies the kinds of failures to plan for.
  • Capacity test - Determines the amount of users and/or transactions that can be supported while continuing to meet performance goals.
    • Provides capacity data that can be used to validate or enhance models.
    • Determines current usage and capacity of the system.
    • Provides data on capacity and usage trends of the system.


Best Practices

  • Test the code with the same granularity as used for unit tests.
  • Do not perform lots of assertions on the test results.
  • Test enough to measure statistically significant performance differences.
  • Ideal performance tests should run relatively fast.
  • Test setup should be performed independent of the actual test method.


Available Performance Testing Tools

  • AgileLoad
    • Provides load testing for mobile and web applications.
    • Designed to fit into the Agile Development methodology.
    • Windows-based.
    • Tests applications designed for use on cloud or internal networks.
  • Forecast
    • Tests IT systems for performance, reliability, and scalability.
    • Realistically simulates multiple thousands of unique users simultaneously accessing functionalities.
    • Avoids the overhead and expense associated with hardware costs.
  • HP LoadRunner
    • Detects bottlenecks.
    • Emulates production workloads.
    • Diagnoses root cause of performance issues.
    • Improves performance prior to application deployment.
  • IBM Rational Performance Tester
    • Identifies both the presence and cause of performance bottlenecks.
    • Provides problem identification and problem diagnosis.
    • Root Cause Analysis features allows for identifying source code causing performance issues.
    • Real-time reports are viewable via web browser.
  • RTI
    • Measures application performance based on response times for transactions with poor performance.
    • Dynamically collects performance data and diagnoses problems throughout system aspects.
    • Quantifies and validates application architectures.
  • SilkPerformer
    • Provides performance and load testing for software applications.
    • Automates software load and stress.
    • Enables identification of bottlenecks.
    • Diagnostic tools may be applied to resolve performance issues.


































