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Framework is a set of programs and/or code library that helps developer write most of the applications. By using a framework, it will facilitate the development process of the developers and make the developers pay more attention to the specific things they want. Another advantage of framework is it can enable to tie a bunch of discrete components together into something more useful and powerful<ref>[]</ref>.
Framework is a set of programs and/or code library that helps developer write most of the applications. By using a framework, it will facilitate the development process of the developers and make the developers pay more attention to the specific things they want. Another advantage of framework is it can enable to tie a bunch of discrete components together into something more useful and powerful<ref>[]</ref>.

===Ruby on Rails ===
==Ruby on Rails==
Ruby on rails is an open source<ref>[]</ref> web application framework provided for Ruby programming language. It is developed by Rails Core Team<ref>[]</ref> in July 2004. Even though Ruby on Rails is so young, it has gained a lot of attention and wined much support from the developers. Another concept, Agile web development<ref>[]</ref>which can help developers focus on things matters thus adding value to the website and make it better<ref>[]</ref>, is presented within the Rails community. Rails provides developers a framework which gives structure for all the code they write. The rails framework helps developers build applications and websites in an easy way because it simplifies and abstracts common repetitive tasks <ref>[]</ref>.
Ruby on rails is an open source<ref>[]</ref> web application framework provided for Ruby programming language. It is developed by Rails Core Team<ref>[]</ref> in July 2004. Even though Ruby on Rails is so young, it has gained a lot of attention and wined much support from the developers. Another concept, Agile web development<ref>[]</ref>which can help developers focus on things matters thus adding value to the website and make it better<ref>[]</ref>, is presented within the Rails community. Rails provides developers a framework which gives structure for all the code they write. The rails framework helps developers build applications and websites in an easy way because it simplifies and abstracts common repetitive tasks <ref>[]</ref>.

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===Model (ActiveRecord )===
==Model (ActiveRecord )==
* Model maintains the relationship between the tables in a relational database<ref>[]</ref> and the Ruby program code that manipulates database records.
* Model maintains the relationship between the tables in a relational database<ref>[]</ref> and the Ruby program code that manipulates database records.
*Models are Ruby classes and communicate with database, store and validate data<ref>[]</ref> and do the business logic.  
*Models are Ruby classes and communicate with database, store and validate data<ref>[]</ref> and do the business logic.  
*Models should be heavy enough to handle more business logic.
*Models should be heavy enough to handle more business logic.

===View ( ActionView )===
==View ( ActionView )==
*View renders and represents the data in a particular format. View is implemented in ActionView library which is an erb based system for defining presentation templates for data presentation<ref> [ ]</ref>.  
*View renders and represents the data in a particular format. View is implemented in ActionView library which is an erb based system for defining presentation templates for data presentation<ref> [ ]</ref>.  
*Every web application should use view to do the interaction between the user and server and display what an authorized user wants to see.
*Every web application should use view to do the interaction between the user and server and display what an authorized user wants to see.

===Controller ( ActionController )===
==Controller ( ActionController )==
*Controller is implemented in ActionController which is a bridge between the view and the model governing the data flow within the application.  
*Controller is implemented in ActionController which is a bridge between the view and the model governing the data flow within the application.  
*Controllers should be light to just perform as a mediator or just retrieve the data from database which is to be passed to view to show.  
*Controllers should be light to just perform as a mediator or just retrieve the data from database which is to be passed to view to show.  
*In short, the Controller processes input from the View and communicates with Model objects<ref>[]</ref>.
*In short, the Controller processes input from the View and communicates with Model objects<ref>[]</ref>.

===Practical Example===
==Practical Example==
Below is a full http request cycle that can be described into the following steps<ref>[]</ref>:
Below is a full http request cycle that can be described into the following steps<ref>[]</ref>:

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In models the relationships may be  
In models the relationships may be  

•one-to-one (e.g. a university has a chancellor and a chancellor belongs to one university)
• one-to-one (e.g. a university has a chancellor and a chancellor belongs to one university)
class Chancellor < ActiveRecord::Base
class Chancellor < ActiveRecord::Base
Line 112: Line 112:
•one-to-many(e.g. a course has many sections)
• one-to-many(e.g. a course has many sections)
class Section < ActiveRecord::Base
class Section < ActiveRecord::Base
Line 125: Line 125:
•many-to-many(e.g. a course has many professors, professors have many courses)
• many-to-many(e.g. a course has many professors, professors have many courses)
class Course < ActiveRecord::Base
class Course < ActiveRecord::Base

Revision as of 22:01, 20 October 2011

CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2011/ch4 4d ls


What is ruby on rails<ref></ref>? What does framework <ref></ref>mean and what can it achieve? What is MVC<ref></ref> stand for and what advantage can it bring us? This article will not only eliminate the above questions in your heart, but also will provide you a practical experience of building a cookbook application and discuss the individual part of the functionality and the operation mechanism which will contribute to the gradual gathering of the knowledge.


Framework is a set of programs and/or code library that helps developer write most of the applications. By using a framework, it will facilitate the development process of the developers and make the developers pay more attention to the specific things they want. Another advantage of framework is it can enable to tie a bunch of discrete components together into something more useful and powerful<ref></ref>.

Ruby on Rails

Ruby on rails is an open source<ref></ref> web application framework provided for Ruby programming language. It is developed by Rails Core Team<ref></ref> in July 2004. Even though Ruby on Rails is so young, it has gained a lot of attention and wined much support from the developers. Another concept, Agile web development<ref></ref>which can help developers focus on things matters thus adding value to the website and make it better<ref></ref>, is presented within the Rails community. Rails provides developers a framework which gives structure for all the code they write. The rails framework helps developers build applications and websites in an easy way because it simplifies and abstracts common repetitive tasks <ref></ref>.

Introduction to MVC framework

MVC is short for Model, View and Controller. The Model-View-Controller principle divides the work of an application into three separate but closely cooperative subsystems. MVC (model-view-controller) divides the business logic into a Model layer and the view logic into a View layer. The Controller interacts with the Model and passes the required data to the View. A Pictorial Diagram of Ruby on Rails Framework’s Working mechanism is given here<ref></ref>:

Model (ActiveRecord )

View ( ActionView )

  • View renders and represents the data in a particular format. View is implemented in ActionView library which is an erb based system for defining presentation templates for data presentation<ref> </ref>.
  • Every web application should use view to do the interaction between the user and server and display what an authorized user wants to see.

Controller ( ActionController )

  • Controller is implemented in ActionController which is a bridge between the view and the model governing the data flow within the application.
  • Controllers should be light to just perform as a mediator or just retrieve the data from database which is to be passed to view to show.
  • In short, the Controller processes input from the View and communicates with Model objects<ref></ref>.

Practical Example

Below is a full http request cycle that can be described into the following steps<ref></ref>:


  • The user sends an HTTP request by typing the requested URL into the browser. This request is routed to a specific method in the controller specified by the statements in routes.rb(In the entry: config).
  • The method, being executed on the controller, interacts with the required model, which usually retrieves some data from the database.
  • The controller then passes control to the view which specifies which HTML page should be rendered and makes use of any data passed by the controller.
  • Then the response from the HTML is passed back to the users browser.

Cookbook Application

Now we will build a cookbook application to see what in it, and compare the difference among the files in Model, View and Controller. We will also impart some knowledge such as what is <%= yield %> for and how to understand the Edit and Create method in Controller.

Building a simple cookbook application

We may follow steps below to create a new cookbook application.

  • Open Rubymine<ref></ref>, create a New Project named cookbook3 and set the project type to rails application
  • In the Tools- Run Rails Generator, typing scaffold in the pop-up dialog box.
  • In the pop-up scaffold dialog box, type recipe title:string description:string instructions:text under the entry Generator arguments.
  • Repeat 2
  • Type category name:string under the entry Generator arguments in the Scaffold dialog box.

Parts in Controller

The controller receives and translates input to requests on the model or view. The controllers are typically responsible for calling methods on the model that change the state of the model. In an active model, this state change is then reflected in the view via the change propagation mechanism. In the passive model, the controller is responsible for telling the view when to update.

Problems and Solutions

Problem1: In general, we want our web applications to keep their information in a relational database. Although it is easy to think from a conceptual point of view, it is difficult to combine relational databases with object-oriented(OO) programming languages<ref></ref><ref></ref>. Objects are all about data and operations, and databases are all about sets of values, Operations that are easy to express in relational terms are sometimes difficult to code in an OO system.


  • In rails, it uses ORM<ref></ref> libraries map database tables to classes. If in our database there is a table called recipes, our program will have a class named Recipe. Rows in this table correspond to the objects of the class(Agile Web Development with Rails Fourth Editon. Author :Sam Ruby, Dave Thomas, David Heinemeier Hansson).. Within the particular object, attributes are used to get and set the individual columns.
  • The Rails classes that wrap our database tables provide a set of class-level methods that perform table-level operations.
  • Active Record<ref></ref><ref></ref> is the ORM layer supplied with Rails. It follows the standard ORM model: tables map to classes, rows to objects, and columns to object attributes.

If we want to find the category with a particular id, in ruby code, it looks like this as in method show in category controller: @category = Category.find(params[:id]) The find method does a database access. This illustrates two common features of Active Record calls.

  • params is an object that holds all of the parameters passed in a browser request.
  • params[:id] holds the id, or primary key, of the object.

We can also see the : @categories = Category.all in method index in category_controller. The all method is to retrieve all records from the Category table and assign the collection to a variable called @categories which later will be passed to View to show the category.

Problem2: What is the difference between new and create method in category_controller? Solution2: The new method prepares the form for display and is called first; the create method processes the data that was entered and attempts to save it to the db.

Problem3: What is the difference between edit and update in category_controller? Solution3: Edit retrieves a table entry and displays it in a window. When the changes are submitted, update is invoked.

How does Controller Work?

  • The routes.rb determins the page where the welcome page should be. Before the last statement : match ':controller(/:action(/:id(.:format)))', just add root :to => 'categories#index'. And the category_controller’s method index will retrieve the data from the database and pass it to the view to show. So controllers is just acted as a bridge between the model and the view.

When user clicks any links, it will first notify the Controller the action the user perform and if the data needed to get from the database, then the controller will communicate with the model to retrieve the data and then pass it to the view to show.

Small Explanations

  • We may find that <%= yield %> in application.html.erb and yield identifies a section where content from the view should be inserted. In this case, we will see the page where the routes.rb specified.
  • The “recipes_url”, “categories_url” will link to the urls pertaining to recipes and categories which will correspondingly show the recipe and category.
  • We can type in Localhost:3000 to find the homepage of our cookbook application where specified in the routes.rb.

Parts in Model

The model manages the behavior and data of the application domain, responds to requests for information about its state (usually from the view), and responds to instructions to change state (usually from the controller). In event-driven systems, the model notifies observers (usually views) when the information changes so that they can react.

The model encapsulates the functional core of an application, its Domain Logic. The goal of MVC is to make the model independent of the view and controller which together form the user interface of the application. An object may act as the model for more than one MVC triad at a time. Since the model must be independent, it cannot refer to either the view or controller portions of the application. The model may not hold direct instance variables that refer to the view or the controller. It passively supplies its services and data to the other layers of the application.<ref></ref>

In the cookbook application, there are two files in the model, let’s take a look at them. In models the relationships may be

• one-to-one (e.g. a university has a chancellor and a chancellor belongs to one university)

class Chancellor < ActiveRecord::Base
      belongs_to :university
class University < ActiveRecord::Base
      has_one :chancellor

• one-to-many(e.g. a course has many sections)

class Section < ActiveRecord::Base
      belongs_to :course
class Course < ActiveRecord::Base
      has_many :sections

• many-to-many(e.g. a course has many professors, professors have many courses)

class Course < ActiveRecord::Base
      has_and_belongs_to_many :professors
class Professor < ActiveRecord:: Base
      has_and_belongs_to_many :course

Parts in View

The view obtains data from the model and presents it to the user. The view represents the output of the application. The view generally have free access to the model, but should not change the state of the model. Views are read only representations of the state of the model. The view reads data from the model using query methods provided by the model. With an Active model, the view can register itself to receive notifications when the model changes, and the view can then present a more up to date version of the model. Sometimes generic reusable view components can be arbitrarily connected to the model in a process known as binding. We get some questions here. (a) Why we have partials in Rails? One of the reasons is to stick to the Do not Repeat Yourself principle. With partial, we can move the code for rendering a particular piece of a response to its own file so modularity can be aceieved. (b) Explain the differences in the _form.html.erb files for categories and recipes in the cookbook application. The _form.html.erb for recipies handles more data from response of recipes.url than categories hence its bigger than that for categories.


In this article, we first illustrate and answer some basic knowledge about what is Ruby on Rails, framework and what is MVC stand for and what advantage can it bring us. In addition, the article also provides some important knowledge about Ruby on Rails through building the cookbook application. And tells the reader the solutions to the problem or doubts they may encounter and shows the internal mechanism about how the controller, model and view work together as a unit. After reading this paper, reader may master some preliminary knowledge about the MVC, Ruby on Rails, framework and how the model, view and controller communicating with each other thus helping the reader when they developing web application using Ruby on Rails.

