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  printlist([1,2,3,4,5,6]) { |array| array.reverse.each do |element| puts "array element: #{element}" end }
  printlist([1,2,3,4,5,6]) { |array| array.reverse.each do |element| puts "array element: #{element}" end }
= Scala = Functional + Object Oriented Language =
Scala is a modern multi-paradigm programming language designed to
express common programming patterns in a concise, elegant, and
type-safe way. It smoothly integrates features of object-oriented and
functional languages
Scala can be considered a very good blend of the best of functional
and object oriented world. It was conceived(in 2001) and implemented
by Martin Odersky who was also the author of Sun javac compiler and
played a major role in the design and retrofitting of generics into
Java. The latest version of Scala is 2.8 and includes a number of
performance improvements over previous versions. We shall see more
about the features of Scala in the following pages, but for fun, some
= '''Scala''' -- ''How well is it received by the industry?''=
* <u>'''Twitter'''</u>: The website started the micro-blogging
revolution. User had to post his/her messages within a 140 character
limit and grown beyond expectations in the recent years. Previously
Twitter used Ruby as its de facto programming language to implement
most of the stack including the front end as well as the backend
messaging layer. However according to the system designers of twitter,
soon they hit the wall. Inspite of using more and faster machines,
ruby and ruby-on-rails did not scale well. Infact this is well known
as the twitter outages iconified by the "fail whale" image. Recently
they have switched the complete messaging layer to use Scala and it
has done beyond wonders to the twitter team.
* <u>'''FourSquare'''</u> - Yet another social website which uses
Lift(web framework for scala) throughout.
And many more companies including Xerox, Sony, Siemens have started
adapting Scala in different aspects of work.
= Is Scala the successor of Java? =
During a meeting in the Community Corner ( booth) with James
Gosling, a participant asked an interesting question:
''Which Programming Language would you use *now* on top of JVM, except Java?''.
The answer was surprisingly fast and very clear: - '''Scala'''. (quote
= Secret of Scala's appeal =
It is due to the fact that all scala source files compile down to java
"byte code". So basically you can code all you want in scala and run
it on JVM. You can also make use of existing java source/jar files
which make it even more convenient to incorporate into existing
projects. Even though scala initially supported .NET platform, the JVM
version has matured faster and there is wide speculation that support
for .NET platform will be dropped sooner or later.
Now that we have got ourselves convinced that Scala is an excellent
language, lets jump in and take a look at some of the features.
== Features ==
=== Statically Typed ===
Scala belongs to the family of languages which do not allow the type
of variables once they have been defined. In other words, the type
information of each and every variable is encoded in the generated
code and the compiler makes sure, you are not doing something funny.
For example, lets consider the following example,
In Ruby,
  irb(main):001:0> str="Hello World"
  => "Hello World"
  irb(main):002:0> puts str.class
  irb(main):003:0> str=123
  => 123
  irb(main):004:0> puts str.class
In the above example, first we define 'str' variable to be of type
String and then as a number. So basically, no type information is
associated with the variable at any point in the program. Hence we can
easily reassociate that variable with an object/instance
of a different type. This is a feature of all dynamically typed
languages(like Ruby, Python, Clojure). However most of the statically
typed languages such as Scala, Java, C/C++ do not allow you do so. In
scala> var str="Hello World"
str: java.lang.String = Hello World
scala> str=123
<console>:6: error: type mismatch;
  found  : Int(123)
  required: java.lang.String
=== Mixed paradigm = Object Oriented + Functional programming ===
Scala is a strange specimen. It is a complete blend of object oriented
and functional programming. How can this happen? Functional world
advocates immutability but object oriented world is all about state
and how do you mutate it to fit your needs. Scala allows you create
both mutable and immutable objects. Consider the following example,
val str: String = "Hello World"
In the first line, I am creating a immutable variable(a misnomer
indeed). Roughly translating the above line to Java is below:
final String str = "Hello World"; //note the extra semi-colon
Consider the next example below,
val list: List[String] = List("Scala", "is", "the coolest",
"language", "in the world!")
The same code can be written in Java as below
List<String> mutableList = new ArrayList<String>();
list.add("the coolest");
list.add("in the world!");
List<String> immutableList = Collections.immutableList(mutableList);
Compared to Java, Scala reduces the total number of lines you need to
type and at the same time looks so much simpler and less verbose. Even
though the above example shows immutable collection example, scala
also provides mutable collection and object types under the package
As it can be observed, even though scala advocates immutability, it
does not restrict you from creating mutable objects. So its the best
of both worlds. Another part of functional world is the concept of
functions as 'first class members' of the language. Some of the common
languages like Ruby, Python and JavaScript all incorporate this
feature. In the sense you can pass around functions to methods as a
parameter. Enough talking;
Let us have a class say 'Person' which has properties, name and
another variable age.
In Java:
class Person{
  private String name;
  private int age;
  public String getName(){
      return name;
  public void setName(String s){ = s;
  public int getAge(){
      return age;
  public void setAge(int age){
      this.age = age;
In Scala:
case class Person(name: String, age: Int)
This single line is equivalent to the above java code! So much
cooler.. I would not be doing justice if I don't mention the fact that
both equals() and hashCode() method are automatically generated for
you by the compiler. Isn't this an awesome feature? No wonder Scala is
considered a beautiful and high level language. Now assume we have a
list of persons and we want to filter out all the persons who are of
age 23. How would you do that in Java?
List<Person> persons; //has a bunch of person objects in it.
List<Person> twentyThree = new ArrayList<Person>();
for(Person p: persons){
    if(p.getAge() == 23){
In Scala:
val twentyThree: List[Person] = persons.filter( _.age == 23)
That's it! In case you are wondering whats going on, filter is a
method present on scala.List class and the code block  _.age == 23 is
a function created on the fly and passed onto the filter method. More
precisely its called a closure - a functional concept which can be
emulated in java only using anonymous inner classes. In case you are
wondering how scala does this, scala's compiler transforms our one
line function into some anonymous inner classes when generating java
byte code but allows developer to define functions in a simple manner.
Infact every function is an object in scala. Scala's standard library
has a number of functions which are object themselves.
=== Sophisticated Syntax/Features ===
When we say sophisticated, its really an awesome feature which is
present in other functional languages like Haskell, (O)Caml and
Erlang. Consider the following example,
  val name = "Jackie Chan"
  println(name.getClass) //prints out String.
Previously we saw that scala is a statically typed language and yet in
the above example we don't specify what type is the variable name. In
Java, you would type in the following:
String name = "Jackie Chan"
So basically in Java you specify what type the name variable is. Scala
compiler is very smart in the manner that it can automatically detect
the type of the variable even if you don't specify it. Consider the
following example,
case class Person(name: String, age: Int)
val persons = List(
                      Person("Jackie Chan", 51), Person("Jet Li", 41),
                      Person("RajniKanth", 51), Person("Kamal Hasan", 44),
                      Person("Martin Odersky", 18), Person("Steve Yegge", 23))
//notice that you don't have to use 'new' keyword to create new
instances. This is taken care of by the companion objects.
The above lines of code create a list with 6 different persons(An
immutable list)
Now, as in ruby scala supports the concepts of closure. Let's see what
it is.
val twentyThree: List[Person] = persons.filter( { p: Person => p.age == 3})
In the above set of lines, the code within the '{ }' brackets is a
function's body. Basically what the compiler did was to create a
function which takes a single argument and returns either true or
false. Now that's called a high level language. Ready for more?
=== A Scalable Language ===
In almost all programming languages, there is a necessity to profile
the running time of the procedures and tune its performance. The old
way of doing things in Java would be:
public class Main{
public static int factorial(int x){
  if(x == 0 || x == 1) return 1
  else return x * factorial(x-1)
public static void main(String [] args){
  long beforeTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
  int result = factorial(5);
  System.out.println("Total time taken to execute factorial(5) is "
+ (System.currentTimeMillis() - result)+"ms");
  System.out.println("factorial(5) = " + result);
However, if you want to find out the execution time of some other
method, you would have to type in all the above lines again. So much
for code re-use! Lets see how its done in Scala. Hold on to your
object Main{
def main(args: Array[String]){
  def factorial(x: Int):Int = x match{
    case 0 | 1 => 1
    case _ => x * factorial(x-1)
import System.currentTimeMillis
def timeIt(msg: String = "Time to execute is: ")(func: => Unit){
  val before = currentTimeMillis
  println(msg + (currentTimeMillis - before) + "ms")
timeIt("Total time taken to execute factorial(5) is "){
    val result = factorial(5)
    println("factorial(5) = " + result)
//would print: factorial(5) = 120
// Total time taken to execute factorial(5) is 1ms
That's not right! The function <code>timeIt</code> looks like a
feature inbuilt into the language. Turn your disbelief into
amazement;save the above code into a separate file and run it. Infact
using this feature, it is possible to build powerful DSL languages
which can run at full speed on JVM.
Ruby allows you to add new methods to objects. This feature is often
called as '''Monkey Patching''' because you are splitting open the
class and adding/overriding methods (in)|(to) the class. Often this
leads to unexpected behavior at runtime because, other libraries
including into build path may depend on some methods which you
changed. Scala provides yet another feature called implicits.
In Java, String class is final so there is no way you can add new
methods to it. But with implicits you can do more! Suppose you have
some text in memory and you know it represents a number. But in Java
the usual way to convert string to int is to do a
Integer.parseInt(string) which seems so unnecessary. Let us make our
lives easier...
implicit def strToInt(str: String) = new {
  def asInt = Integer.parseInt(str)
val str = "1234"
println(str.asInt * 3) //prints out 3702
The above code gives us an impression as if String class has gained
new 'asInt' method. Can static object oriented languages do this? No!
Infact scala cheats by calling our implicits to convert it into a
different object as and when needed.
The above functionalities are purely object oriented, yet they are
safe. They don't pollute the global namespace unlike Ruby or Python
=== Broad Classification of Functions ===
==== Predicate ====
It is a function which receives an object as argument and either
returns true or false. They are useful in a number of situations.
Suppose you had a list of integers and you wanted to filter out all
odd numbers you could apply the predicate on every element in the list
* If the predicate returned true, add it to the new list
* else ignore the current entry and try next.
scala> val numbers = 0 to 20
numbers: scala.collection.immutable.Range.Inclusive with
scala.collection.immutable.Range.ByOne = Range(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20)
scala> val evenNumbers = numbers.filter( _ % 2 == 0)
evenNumbers: scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[Int] = Vector(0,
2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20)
==== Closure ====
A function which does some operation on an object but does not return
any result. In otherwords, the return type of closure is void. Say we
have a list of strings and we need to print them all to the console;
we can do it the following way:
scala> val strs = List("print", "all", "to", "console")
strs: List[java.lang.String] = List(print, all, to, console)
scala> strs.foreach(println) //println == System.out.println
* <code>foreach</code> is a method which is executed for every element
present in the list.
* <code> str.foreach(println)</code> - Now, this is getting little
confusing. Whats <code>println</code> doing without any arguments?
Scala's compiler is intelligent enough to determine that println takes
in a single argument and so allows us to skip specifying it.
==== Transformer ====
A function which recieves an entity/object and returns an another
object(possibly of different type). Infact both predicate and a
closure are transformers. To understand more what a transformer is,
let us change the case of all the strings in a list.
In Scala:
  val list = List("Scala", "is", "the coolest", "language", "in the world!")
res5: List[java.lang.String] = List(SCALA, IS, THE COOLEST, LANGUAGE,
* <code>map</code> is <code>scala.List's</code> method which takes in
a function as a parameter and for every element in the list invokes
the function. The result returned by the function is added to a new
* <code>_.toUpperCase</code> is the transformer function upcasing all
the strings.
=== Currying ===
(Excellent tutorial here:
Named after its inventor 'Haskell Curry', it is a way of converting a
function which takes multiple arguments, into a function with lesser
number of arguments. Theory is always boring or we feel so. Let's jump
right in and work out an example. Consider a simple function which
adds two numbers.
def add(x:Int)(y:Int) = x + y
Now assume you want to create a function which will add '5' to all its
input and return the sum. Can you re-use the code above? Currying
works great in these scenarios..
val add5ToInput = add(5) _  // the '_' is to tell the compiler to
create a curried version of the above function.
println(add5ToInput(10))  //surprise surprise - prints 15!
So basically what happens is that compiler creates an intermediate
function which always has <code>5</code> as the first parameter. So
when we say <code>add5ToInput(10)</code> in reality, it inturn calls
<code>add(5)(10)</code>. So currying basically helps us reduce the
total number of parameters which needs to passed to functions and in
turn helps re-use code in a functional way!
=== Pattern Matching ===
(also see
Yet another unique feature of functional programming languages is the
concept of pattern matching. Let us see what pattern matching is all
about. Continuing our previous example of Person objects, let us write
some code to guess the profession of a person based on his name.(I
know it sounds lame..)
def guessProfession(p: Person) = match {
      case "Jackie Chan" | "Jet Li" => "Martial Artist and Actor"
      case "RajniKanth" | "Kamal Hasan" => "South Indian Actor"
      case "Martin Odersky" | "Steve Yegge" => "Famous Programmer"
      case _ => "I don't know %s".format(
val p = Person("Kovalan Venkatesan", 24)
val p1 = Person("Martin Odersky", 31)
println(guessProfession(p)) //prints I don't know Kovalan Venkatesan.
println(guessProfession(p1)) //prints "Famous Programmer"
As you may have noticed, the above example is very similar to switch
statements in imperative languages such as C, Java. However, it is
more powerful and extensible. Why?
# In both C and Java only numeric types can be used in switch
statements.(including enums which are simply names mapped onto
integers). In Scala you can use almost use anything you want. Infact
scala supports custom extractor patterns, whose scope is beyond this
text. Please consider visiting scala resources to learn more.
# The cases do not allow fall through. In Java and C, you have to
manually type 'break' after the end of every case. Scala does not have
any 'break' nor 'continue' keywords(shocking?)
A purely object oriented person may argue that we could use Visitor
Pattern to do the same. That is true, but how many lines of code would
you have to write to accomplish the same functionality? Wanna
More explanation of case statements:
* 'match' is equivalent to switch keyword in C, C++ and Java.
* 'case' keyword signifies the beginning of the particular case.
* The '_'(underscore) signifies many things in scala. When we say
"case _ => ", it is equivalent to the 'default' keyword in C/Java.
=== Handling exceptions - Scala way! ===
In Java, exception matching is considered verbose and ugly. To open
and write a file,
try {
  File file = new File("/tmp/sample.txt");
  PrintStream printStream = new PrintStream(file);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
  System.out.println("Unable to find the file /tmp/sample.txt");
} catch (IOException e) {
  System.out.println("Unknown IO error");
In Scala:
  val file = new File("/tmp/sample.txt")
  val ps = new PrintStream(file)
  case e: FileNotFoundException => println("Unable to find file
  case IOException => println("Unknown IO error")
== Conclusion ==
We have just scratched the surface of Scala, but it has innumerable
features which show a beautiful blend of functional and object
oriented features. Scala proves we can use them both together.

==External Links==
==External Links==

Revision as of 01:40, 9 September 2010

Programming Paradigms

Every computer program needs a style of writing which specifies how to solve a software engineering problem. This style is represented by the paradigm. Each computer program follows one or more paradigm which differs in representing the elements of a program(such as variables and objects) and the steps needed to compute a task.

Diferent paradigms are:

1. Procedural/imperative paradigms: Assembly, C, C++, Java, C#

2. Object Oriented paradigm : C++, Java, Python, Ruby, Scala, C#

3. Functional Paradigm : Lisp, Haskell, Clojure, Scala, OCaml, Ruby

4. Logic Paradigm: Prolog

Multi-Paradigm Programming

Multiparadigm refers to use of a combination of programming paradigms for solving a computer problem. Some languages subscribe strictly to a single paradigm like Assembly and C. Others like Java, C++, Scala and C# employ more than one paradigm. Every paradigm comes with its own strength and weakness and this quite motivates us to take advantage of each paradigm and use it in a manner that best fits the problem at hand.

Overview of Functional Programming

Functional programming is derived from lambda calculus which models computations as the evaluation of functions and recursions. More emphasis is laid on application of functions rather than changing the state of variables in a program. Functional programming relies heavily on recursions and it is the only way to iterate instead of loops.

How it differs from imperative programming

Imperative programming follows the Von-Neumann architecture and mainly consists of loops and usage of globa states to perform a computation. For example consider the task of computing the sum of numbers from 1 to n.

In imperative style,

       sum := 0         // global state
       for i<- 1 to n do
           sum := sum + i

In Functional style,

        func sum(n)        // note that sum is a function and is recursive
          if  n = 1 then
              return 1
              return n + sum(n-1)

Pure and impure functional programming

Purely functional programming exhibit referential transparency [1] which does not involve any global state or I/O changes. If the same functional expression results in the same output value for the same argument x at different stages of execution , then the function is said to be pure which is devoid of any global state change. For example Haskell [2] is purely functional.

Overview of object oriented programming

Typially programs were written with a procedural view where the program's logic was given utmost importance and it follows a sequential structure. But object oriented techniques really cares about the data or objects we want to mainpulate with rather than the logic of a program. Every object contains its own state(in the form of variables) and and a number of methods to manipulate the variables.For example consider the class Add:

          class Add{
          /* Object variables */
                 private int sum = 0;
         /* Object Methods */
                 public void calculate_sum(int n){
                     int i=0;
                     while(i <= n){
                         sum = sum + i;
           Add instance1 = new Add();     // instance1 is an object of type Add

Principles of object oriented design

1. Encapsulation: Encapsulation refers to hiding the internal representation of the object from the outside view. For example algorithm to compute the calculate_sum() method may be hidden, but it will present the user with the expected results.

2. Polymorphism: Polymorphism means ability to take multiple forms. For example an operation may exhibit different behaviour at different instances. Consider the operator '+', for numbers it will generate the sum, but for strings it will produce a third string which concatenates the input strings.

3. Inheritance: Inheritance involves base and derived classes with derived class inheriting all the methods and states frm the base class. Inheritance basically forms a hirerachy. For example if shape is an object, then objects square, rectangle, circle all derive the same characteristic as shape does.

Functional + OOP code

Functions as Objects

One of the cornerstone of functional and object oriented code is treating functions as objects.It means that we can pass functions as arguments, store it and return them from other functions. This is highly useful in an user interface code where it can be used as call back functions which get called when an event occurs( in event driven programming)

An example in Scala [3]:

 Object Timer{
   def  action(callback() : () => unit){              // callback() is the function passed as an argument
        while( some condition)                                                            
    def event(){                                      //  event is the method which tells what to do 
        /* process the event here

Another example of functional concept in object oriented design is the concept of blocks especially in Ruby. Blocks are basically nameless functions which can be passed to a function and then that function can invoke the passed in nameless function. This is a common style called higher order function style among languages that handle functions as first class objects. Basically blocks can be designed for loop abstraction and lets the user to design their own way of iterating the values, thereby hiding the implementation details. For example if we want to iterate backwards from the end to the beginning without revealing its internal implementations, we could implement the loop logic inside the block and pass it to a method or function.

Here is a Ruby implementation of block

def printlist(array,&reverse)
   array.each do |element|
      puts "array element: #{element}"
   end   /* Here it prints the reverse implementation of list*/
printlist([1,2,3,4,5,6]) { |array| array.reverse.each do |element| puts "array element: #{element}" end }

Scala = Functional + Object Oriented Language

Scala is a modern multi-paradigm programming language designed to express common programming patterns in a concise, elegant, and type-safe way. It smoothly integrates features of object-oriented and functional languages

Scala can be considered a very good blend of the best of functional and object oriented world. It was conceived(in 2001) and implemented by Martin Odersky who was also the author of Sun javac compiler and played a major role in the design and retrofitting of generics into Java. The latest version of Scala is 2.8 and includes a number of performance improvements over previous versions. We shall see more about the features of Scala in the following pages, but for fun, some facts!

Scala -- How well is it received by the industry?


  • Twitter: The website started the micro-blogging

revolution. User had to post his/her messages within a 140 character limit and grown beyond expectations in the recent years. Previously Twitter used Ruby as its de facto programming language to implement most of the stack including the front end as well as the backend messaging layer. However according to the system designers of twitter, soon they hit the wall. Inspite of using more and faster machines, ruby and ruby-on-rails did not scale well. Infact this is well known as the twitter outages iconified by the "fail whale" image. Recently they have switched the complete messaging layer to use Scala and it has done beyond wonders to the twitter team.

  • FourSquare - Yet another social website which uses

Lift(web framework for scala) throughout. And many more companies including Xerox, Sony, Siemens have started adapting Scala in different aspects of work.

Is Scala the successor of Java?

During a meeting in the Community Corner ( booth) with James Gosling, a participant asked an interesting question:

Which Programming Language would you use *now* on top of JVM, except Java?.

The answer was surprisingly fast and very clear: - Scala. (quote source:

Secret of Scala's appeal

It is due to the fact that all scala source files compile down to java "byte code". So basically you can code all you want in scala and run it on JVM. You can also make use of existing java source/jar files which make it even more convenient to incorporate into existing projects. Even though scala initially supported .NET platform, the JVM version has matured faster and there is wide speculation that support for .NET platform will be dropped sooner or later.

Now that we have got ourselves convinced that Scala is an excellent language, lets jump in and take a look at some of the features.


Statically Typed

Scala belongs to the family of languages which do not allow the type of variables once they have been defined. In other words, the type information of each and every variable is encoded in the generated code and the compiler makes sure, you are not doing something funny. For example, lets consider the following example,

In Ruby,

 irb(main):001:0> str="Hello World"
  => "Hello World"
  irb(main):002:0> puts str.class
  irb(main):003:0> str=123
  => 123
  irb(main):004:0> puts str.class

In the above example, first we define 'str' variable to be of type String and then as a number. So basically, no type information is associated with the variable at any point in the program. Hence we can easily reassociate that variable with an object/instance of a different type. This is a feature of all dynamically typed languages(like Ruby, Python, Clojure). However most of the statically typed languages such as Scala, Java, C/C++ do not allow you do so. In Scala,

scala> var str="Hello World"
str: java.lang.String = Hello World
scala> str=123
<console>:6: error: type mismatch;
 found   : Int(123)
 required: java.lang.String

Mixed paradigm = Object Oriented + Functional programming

Scala is a strange specimen. It is a complete blend of object oriented and functional programming. How can this happen? Functional world advocates immutability but object oriented world is all about state and how do you mutate it to fit your needs. Scala allows you create both mutable and immutable objects. Consider the following example,

val str: String = "Hello World"

In the first line, I am creating a immutable variable(a misnomer indeed). Roughly translating the above line to Java is below:

final String str = "Hello World"; //note the extra semi-colon

Consider the next example below,

val list: List[String] = List("Scala", "is", "the coolest",

"language", "in the world!")

The same code can be written in Java as below

List<String> mutableList = new ArrayList<String>();
list.add("the coolest");
list.add("in the world!");
List<String> immutableList = Collections.immutableList(mutableList);

Compared to Java, Scala reduces the total number of lines you need to type and at the same time looks so much simpler and less verbose. Even though the above example shows immutable collection example, scala also provides mutable collection and object types under the package scala.collection.mutable.*

As it can be observed, even though scala advocates immutability, it does not restrict you from creating mutable objects. So its the best of both worlds. Another part of functional world is the concept of functions as 'first class members' of the language. Some of the common languages like Ruby, Python and JavaScript all incorporate this feature. In the sense you can pass around functions to methods as a parameter. Enough talking;

Let us have a class say 'Person' which has properties, name and another variable age. In Java:

class Person{
  private String name;
  private int age;
  public String getName(){
      return name;
  public void setName(String s){ = s;
  public int getAge(){
      return age;
  public void setAge(int age){
      this.age = age;

In Scala:

case class Person(name: String, age: Int)

This single line is equivalent to the above java code! So much cooler.. I would not be doing justice if I don't mention the fact that both equals() and hashCode() method are automatically generated for you by the compiler. Isn't this an awesome feature? No wonder Scala is considered a beautiful and high level language. Now assume we have a list of persons and we want to filter out all the persons who are of age 23. How would you do that in Java?

List<Person> persons; //has a bunch of person objects in it.
List<Person> twentyThree = new ArrayList<Person>();
for(Person p: persons){
    if(p.getAge() == 23){

In Scala:

val twentyThree: List[Person] = persons.filter( _.age == 23)

That's it! In case you are wondering whats going on, filter is a method present on scala.List class and the code block _.age == 23 is a function created on the fly and passed onto the filter method. More precisely its called a closure - a functional concept which can be emulated in java only using anonymous inner classes. In case you are wondering how scala does this, scala's compiler transforms our one line function into some anonymous inner classes when generating java byte code but allows developer to define functions in a simple manner.

Infact every function is an object in scala. Scala's standard library has a number of functions which are object themselves.

Sophisticated Syntax/Features

When we say sophisticated, its really an awesome feature which is present in other functional languages like Haskell, (O)Caml and Erlang. Consider the following example,

 val name = "Jackie Chan"
 println(name.getClass) //prints out String.

Previously we saw that scala is a statically typed language and yet in the above example we don't specify what type is the variable name. In Java, you would type in the following:

String name = "Jackie Chan"

So basically in Java you specify what type the name variable is. Scala compiler is very smart in the manner that it can automatically detect the type of the variable even if you don't specify it. Consider the following example,

case class Person(name: String, age: Int)
val persons = List(
                      Person("Jackie Chan", 51), Person("Jet Li", 41),
                      Person("RajniKanth", 51), Person("Kamal Hasan", 44),
                      Person("Martin Odersky", 18), Person("Steve Yegge", 23))
//notice that you don't have to use 'new' keyword to create new

instances. This is taken care of by the companion objects.

The above lines of code create a list with 6 different persons(An immutable list)

Now, as in ruby scala supports the concepts of closure. Let's see what it is.

val twentyThree: List[Person] = persons.filter( { p: Person => p.age == 3})

In the above set of lines, the code within the '{ }' brackets is a function's body. Basically what the compiler did was to create a function which takes a single argument and returns either true or false. Now that's called a high level language. Ready for more?

A Scalable Language

In almost all programming languages, there is a necessity to profile the running time of the procedures and tune its performance. The old way of doing things in Java would be:

public class Main{
public static int factorial(int x){
 if(x == 0 || x == 1) return 1
 else return x * factorial(x-1)
public static void main(String [] args){
  long beforeTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
  int result = factorial(5);
  System.out.println("Total time taken to execute factorial(5) is "

+ (System.currentTimeMillis() - result)+"ms");

  System.out.println("factorial(5) = " + result);

However, if you want to find out the execution time of some other method, you would have to type in all the above lines again. So much for code re-use! Lets see how its done in Scala. Hold on to your seats...

object Main{
def main(args: Array[String]){
  def factorial(x: Int):Int = x match{
    case 0 | 1 => 1
    case _ => x * factorial(x-1)
import System.currentTimeMillis
def timeIt(msg: String = "Time to execute is: ")(func: => Unit){
  val before = currentTimeMillis
  println(msg + (currentTimeMillis - before) + "ms")
timeIt("Total time taken to execute factorial(5) is "){
    val result = factorial(5)
    println("factorial(5) = " + result)
//would print: factorial(5) = 120
// Total time taken to execute factorial(5) is 1ms

That's not right! The function timeIt looks like a feature inbuilt into the language. Turn your disbelief into amazement;save the above code into a separate file and run it. Infact using this feature, it is possible to build powerful DSL languages which can run at full speed on JVM.

Ruby allows you to add new methods to objects. This feature is often called as Monkey Patching because you are splitting open the class and adding/overriding methods (in)|(to) the class. Often this leads to unexpected behavior at runtime because, other libraries including into build path may depend on some methods which you changed. Scala provides yet another feature called implicits.

In Java, String class is final so there is no way you can add new methods to it. But with implicits you can do more! Suppose you have some text in memory and you know it represents a number. But in Java the usual way to convert string to int is to do a Integer.parseInt(string) which seems so unnecessary. Let us make our lives easier...

implicit def strToInt(str: String) = new {
  def asInt = Integer.parseInt(str)
val str = "1234"
println(str.asInt * 3) //prints out 3702

The above code gives us an impression as if String class has gained new 'asInt' method. Can static object oriented languages do this? No! Infact scala cheats by calling our implicits to convert it into a different object as and when needed.

The above functionalities are purely object oriented, yet they are safe. They don't pollute the global namespace unlike Ruby or Python

Broad Classification of Functions


It is a function which receives an object as argument and either returns true or false. They are useful in a number of situations. Suppose you had a list of integers and you wanted to filter out all odd numbers you could apply the predicate on every element in the list and

  • If the predicate returned true, add it to the new list
  • else ignore the current entry and try next.
scala> val numbers = 0 to 20
numbers: scala.collection.immutable.Range.Inclusive with

scala.collection.immutable.Range.ByOne = Range(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20)

scala> val evenNumbers = numbers.filter( _ % 2 == 0)
evenNumbers: scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[Int] = Vector(0,

2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20)


A function which does some operation on an object but does not return any result. In otherwords, the return type of closure is void. Say we have a list of strings and we need to print them all to the console; we can do it the following way:

scala> val strs = List("print", "all", "to", "console")
strs: List[java.lang.String] = List(print, all, to, console)
scala> strs.foreach(println) //println == System.out.println
  • foreach is a method which is executed for every element

present in the list.

  • str.foreach(println) - Now, this is getting little

confusing. Whats println doing without any arguments? Scala's compiler is intelligent enough to determine that println takes in a single argument and so allows us to skip specifying it.


A function which recieves an entity/object and returns an another object(possibly of different type). Infact both predicate and a closure are transformers. To understand more what a transformer is, let us change the case of all the strings in a list.

In Scala:

 val list = List("Scala", "is", "the coolest", "language", "in the world!")
res5: List[java.lang.String] = List(SCALA, IS, THE COOLEST, LANGUAGE,



  • map is scala.List's method which takes in

a function as a parameter and for every element in the list invokes the function. The result returned by the function is added to a new list.

  • _.toUpperCase is the transformer function upcasing all

the strings.


(Excellent tutorial here: Named after its inventor 'Haskell Curry', it is a way of converting a function which takes multiple arguments, into a function with lesser number of arguments. Theory is always boring or we feel so. Let's jump right in and work out an example. Consider a simple function which adds two numbers.

def add(x:Int)(y:Int) = x + y

Now assume you want to create a function which will add '5' to all its input and return the sum. Can you re-use the code above? Currying works great in these scenarios..

val add5ToInput = add(5) _  // the '_' is to tell the compiler to

create a curried version of the above function.

println(add5ToInput(10))  //surprise surprise - prints 15!

So basically what happens is that compiler creates an intermediate function which always has 5 as the first parameter. So when we say add5ToInput(10) in reality, it inturn calls add(5)(10). So currying basically helps us reduce the total number of parameters which needs to passed to functions and in turn helps re-use code in a functional way!

Pattern Matching

(also see Yet another unique feature of functional programming languages is the concept of pattern matching. Let us see what pattern matching is all about. Continuing our previous example of Person objects, let us write some code to guess the profession of a person based on his name.(I know it sounds lame..)

def guessProfession(p: Person) = match {
      case "Jackie Chan" | "Jet Li" => "Martial Artist and Actor"
      case "RajniKanth" | "Kamal Hasan" => "South Indian Actor"
      case "Martin Odersky" | "Steve Yegge" => "Famous Programmer"
      case _ => "I don't know %s".format(
val p = Person("Kovalan Venkatesan", 24)
val p1 = Person("Martin Odersky", 31)
println(guessProfession(p)) //prints I don't know Kovalan Venkatesan.
println(guessProfession(p1)) //prints "Famous Programmer"

As you may have noticed, the above example is very similar to switch statements in imperative languages such as C, Java. However, it is more powerful and extensible. Why?

  1. In both C and Java only numeric types can be used in switch

statements.(including enums which are simply names mapped onto integers). In Scala you can use almost use anything you want. Infact scala supports custom extractor patterns, whose scope is beyond this text. Please consider visiting scala resources to learn more.

  1. The cases do not allow fall through. In Java and C, you have to

manually type 'break' after the end of every case. Scala does not have any 'break' nor 'continue' keywords(shocking?)

A purely object oriented person may argue that we could use Visitor Pattern to do the same. That is true, but how many lines of code would you have to write to accomplish the same functionality? Wanna guess?(

More explanation of case statements:

  • 'match' is equivalent to switch keyword in C, C++ and Java.
  • 'case' keyword signifies the beginning of the particular case.
  • The '_'(underscore) signifies many things in scala. When we say

"case _ => ", it is equivalent to the 'default' keyword in C/Java.

Handling exceptions - Scala way!

In Java, exception matching is considered verbose and ugly. To open and write a file,

try {
  File file = new File("/tmp/sample.txt");
  PrintStream printStream = new PrintStream(file);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
  System.out.println("Unable to find the file /tmp/sample.txt");
} catch (IOException e) {
 System.out.println("Unknown IO error");

In Scala:

  val file = new File("/tmp/sample.txt")
  val ps = new PrintStream(file)
  case e: FileNotFoundException => println("Unable to find file


  case IOException => println("Unknown IO error")


We have just scratched the surface of Scala, but it has innumerable features which show a beautiful blend of functional and object oriented features. Scala proves we can use them both together.

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