CSC/ECE 517 Spring 2023 - E2331. Reimplement Account Request module: Difference between revisions

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Line 169: Line 169:
Work In Progress
    "id": 5,
    "name": "userone",
    "fullname": "User One",
    "email": "",
    "status": "Under Review",
    "self_introduction": "I'm an MCS student, request to add my Student account",
    "created_at": "2023-04-12T19:04:34.769Z",
    "updated_at": "2023-04-12T19:04:34.769Z",
    "role_id": 2,
    "institution_id": 1
    "id": 4,
    "name": "usertwo",
    "fullname": "User Two",
    "email": "",
    "status": "Under Review",
    "self_introduction": "U2's intro",
    "created_at": "2023-04-12T16:21:28.549Z",
    "updated_at": "2023-04-12T16:21:28.549Z",
    "role_id": 2,
    "institution_id": 1

Revision as of 23:51, 12 April 2023

Project Overview


In Expertiza, Account Creation can only be done by Admins and Super Admins. So, new users first request an account by clicking "Request Account" button on home page and filling out an account request form. After the user submits this form, the Admin or Super Admin is notified of the request and then he can decide to Accept or Reject such requests. If he accepts, then an email with new login details is sent to that user.

The Account Request module is responsible for performing all these functions. In this project, we aim to write RESTful endpoints for the Account Request module CRUD operations along with adding the corresponding controllers and model files. We also add a few other non CRUD custom actions to the controller files which are required for the app to function normally. And, we also aim to write tests for the corresponding model and controller files.


1. Write RESTful endpoints of create, show, index, update, destroy to simulate creating and approving new user accounts, listing pending account requests, listing already approved or rejected requests, creating a new account request, and notifying super-admins about new account requests.

2. Add non CRUD custom actions like is_admin?, account_request_params, create_approved_user to support the above RESTful endpoints.

3. Return proper status codes and proper validation for RESTful endpoints.

4. Write models and controllers such that they use modern approaches to writing Ruby code, including utilizing language features and adhering to best practices for object-oriented design.

5. Write proper Rspec tests for all APIs, models, controllers.

6. Implement simple Authorization for Swagger simply using session variables instead of complex code.

Team Members

Kaushik Jadhav (unity_id: kajadhav, github: kaushikjadhav01)

Aditi Vakeel (unity_id: avakeel, github: aditi-v79)

Shivesh Madan Nath Jha (unity_id: sjha7, github: ShiveshJha12)


Ankur Mundra (unity_id: amundra, github: amundra)

Relevant Links

Github Repository:

Pull Request:

VCL Server:

VCL Swagger UI:

Files Modified

  • app/controllers/api/v1/account_requests_controller.rb
  • app/controllers/api/v1/institutions_controller.rb
  • app/controllers/api/v1/users_controller.rb
  • app/models/account_request.rb
  • config/application.rb
  • config/routes.rb
  • db/migrate/20230412013301_create_account_requests.rb
  • db/migrate/20230412013310_add_keys_to_account_requests.rb
  • spec/models/account_request_spec.rb
  • spec/requests/api/v1/account_requests_spec.rb
  • spec/requests/api/v1/institution_spec.rb
  • spec/requests/api/v1/roles_spec.rb
  • spec/requests/api/v1/users_spec.rb
  • swagger/v1/swagger.yaml


UML Diagram


In this project, we aim to add the following functions:

1. Enable users to create a new Account Request.

2. Enable admins to create a new Account Request.

3. Enable admin to list pending requested accounts.

4. Enable admins to Accept or Reject Account Requests.

5. Enable admins to list previously accepted or rejected account requests.

6. Ensure that data is validated properly in all the above APIs.

7. For Authorization with swagger APIs, we use simply the session variable instead of using extra gems. Check account_requests_controller and users_controller for better understanding.

8. Test cases for all the above.


We create a new controller at app/controllers/account_request_controller.rb with following methods:

Method: index

This method gives a list of all pending account requests or historic, that is previously approved or rejected account requests to Admin or Super Admin.

Method: create

This method allows any user or admin to create a new Account Request. On successful submission, admins are notified.

Method: show

This method enables Admin or Super Admin to view a specific Account Request

Method: update

This method enables Admin or Super Admin to Accept or Reject single or multiple Account Requests simultaneously. If accepted and if the account is not duplicate, the new account is generated for the user and the user is sent an email with the login credentials.

Method: destroy

This method enables Admin or Super Admin to delete a specific Account Request

Method: is_admin?

Validate if the currently logged in user is an admin. Throw error if not admin. Login and auth is managed via POST /users on Swagger

Method: create_approved_user

If the Account Request is Approved, create a new user if all fields are valid and return it. If any invalid fields present, return error containing it's message.

Method: account_request_params

The params in a controller looks like a Hash, but it's actually an instance of ActionController::Parameters, which provides several methods such as require and permit. The require method ensures that a specific parameter is present, and if it's not provided, the require method throws an error. It returns an instance of ActionController::Parameters for the key passed into require. The permit method returns a copy of the parameters object, returning only the permitted keys and values. When creating a new ActiveRecord model, only the permitted attributes are passed into the model.


We create a new model class AccountRequest at app/models/account_request.rb and add validations to all input fields as shown below. For more details, check UML diagram above:

API documentation

Swagger UI screenshot

VCL Swagger URL:

 #  Method Endpoint Description
1 index GET /account_request returns a list of pending account requests or previously accepted or rejected account requests
2 create POST /account_request creates a new account request
3 show GET /account_request/:id retreive a specific account request
4 update PATCH /account_request/:id accept or reject an account request
5 delete DELETE /account_request/:id delete a specific account request


Description: This endpoint gives a list of all pending account requests to Admin or Super Admin. A success response renders a JSON with all pending account requests.

Path: GET /account_request


 #  Parameter Expected Value
1 historic true or false If true, returns a list historically accepted or rejected account requests. If false, returns pending account requests.


    "id": 5,
    "name": "userone",
    "fullname": "User One",
    "email": "",
    "status": "Under Review",
    "self_introduction": "I'm an MCS student, request to add my Student account",
    "created_at": "2023-04-12T19:04:34.769Z",
    "updated_at": "2023-04-12T19:04:34.769Z",
    "role_id": 2,
    "institution_id": 1
    "id": 4,
    "name": "usertwo",
    "fullname": "User Two",
    "email": "",
    "status": "Under Review",
    "self_introduction": "U2's intro",
    "created_at": "2023-04-12T16:21:28.549Z",
    "updated_at": "2023-04-12T16:21:28.549Z",
    "role_id": 2,
    "institution_id": 1


Description: This endpoint enables any user to create a new account request.

Path: POST /account_request

Request Body:

Work In Progress


Work In Progress


Description: This endpoint enables Admin or Super Admin to view a specific Account Request.

Path: GET /account_request/:id

Request Body:

Work In Progress


Work In Progress


Description: This endpoint enables Admin or Super Admin to Accept or Reject single or multiple Account Requests simultaneously. If accepted and if the account is not duplicate, the new account is generated for the user and the user is sent an email with the login credentials.

Path: PATCH /account_request/:id

Request Body:

Work In Progress


Work In Progress


Description: This endpoint enables Admin or Super Admin to delete a specific Account Request.

Path: DELETE /account_request/:id

Request Body:

Work In Progress


Work In Progress

Design Pattern

A design pattern is a general repeatable solution to a commonly occurring problem in software design. It is a description or template for how to solve a problem that can be used in many different situations.

During the process of refactoring methods as well as method names,Strategy Pattern was used in the implementation. The Strategy pattern is most useful when you want to provide multiple ways of processing a request, without hard-coding knowledge about those different methods into the object that handles the request.

Test Plan

The testing framework is RSpec. To test the RESTful APIs, we have used stubs and mocks. We have created some new models and added some associations in them which were required for stubbing.

To run the tests:

1. git clone

2. cd reimplementation-back-end/

3. bundle install

4. bundle exec rspec spec/requests/api/v1/account_request_spec.rb


Test ID Test Description
1 Test to check index with historic false and valid parameters.
2 Test to check index with historic false and invalid parameters.
3 Test to check index with historic true and valid parameters.
4 Test to check index with historic true and invalid parameters.
5 Test to create a new account request by user with valid parameters
6 Test to create a new account request by admin with valid parameters
7 Test to create a new account request by user with invalid parameters
8 Test to create a new account request by admin with invalid parameters
9 Test to accept account request by admin
10 Test to reject account request by admin
11 Test to accept account request by user
12 Test to reject account request by user
13 Test to retrieve a specific account request by user with valid id
14 Test to retrieve a specific account request by admin with valid id
15 Test to retrieve a specific account request by user with invalid id
16 Test to retrieve a specific account request by admin with invalid id
17 Test to delete a specific account request by user with valid id
18 Test to delete a specific account request by admin with valid id
19 Test to delete a specific account request by user with invalid id
20 Test to delete a specific account request by admin with invalid id

Test Screenshot

Work in Progress

Swagger UI Screenshot

Work in Progress