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=== Automated Testing RSpec ===
=== Automated Testing RSpec ===
Since this is a refactoring project, the scope of testing is limited to the changes made as part of refactoring and also to ensure that the existing test cases do not break or are modified accordingly.As per our proposed design, we're working on adding participant_id computation, which will not be used on the views for the end user.
Since this is a refactoring project, the scope of testing is limited to the changes made as part of refactoring and also to ensure that the existing test cases do not break or are modified accordingly.
In all the existing test cases in expertiza/spec/controllers/teams_users_controller_spec.rb -- ''object initialization'', ''#update_duties'', ''when user is added to assignment team'', ''when user is added to assignment team'', ''when user is added to course team'', ''when user is already on an assignment team'', ''when user is added to assignment team while on a team already'' and ''when user is already on a course team'' the new methods which use both participant_id and user_id are to be incorporated to ensure continued quality of testing.
In all the existing test cases in expertiza/spec/controllers/teams_users_controller_spec.rb -- ''object initialization'', ''#update_duties'', ''when user is added to assignment team'', ''when user is added to assignment team'', ''when user is added to course team'', ''when user is already on an assignment team'', ''when user is added to assignment team while on a team already'' and ''when user is already on a course team'' participant_id needs to be incorporated and modified.

==== Fixed Test Files ====
==== Fixed Test Files ====

Revision as of 00:09, 26 April 2022

This page contains information about Expertiza Issue E2243. Refactor student teams functionality which was a project in CSC517 Spring 2022.

Please see below for a description of the design of the project.


The Expertiza project is software to create reusable learning objects through peer review. It also supports team projects, and the submission of almost any document type, including URLs and wiki pages.

Users & Participants: Everyone who took the CSC517 OODD class at NC State is a user in Expertiza, and instructors can add users as participants in an assignment so that they can access it to contribute, make changes and submit their work to be graded.

Almost all of the works within Assignments is done by participants, not users. All the tables use participant_id to track contributions to assignments, except teams_users. In the documentation, it can be noted that the team_users table references users instead of participants. This anomaly in the teams_users relation causes problems with how student teams are rendered in the UI, and it doesn’t mix well with the new functionality that was recently introduced. The participant_id field should be added to the model, and references that use user_id should also incorporate participant_id. Ideally, the application should use only participant_id, but to handle the existing data in the database without running a massive migration, the application should be able to handle both old records that use user_id and new ones that shall, from after this project is completed, use participant_id instead.

Given Requirements

Changing the schema

  • Create a column that would be called “participant_id”, which will be a foreign key that references the participants table.
  • Use this participant_id field in all operations for teams going forward. There are a number of workflows involving teams we have examined and worked on, which are elaborated below.

Refactoring the teams rendering (/views/student_teams/view.html.erb)

The logic in the team's view (where participants can see their team members) that iterates and fetches information of all the team members and displays them would be refactored so that it matches our new design. The view is quite bloated and has lots of functionalities written on it. We have made partials and placed those functionality in their specific partials.

Other Changes

Updated logic for all the crud functionalities in teams_users controller (wherever applicable). Fixed tests to incorporate the new logic as a result of using both user_id and participant_id in the teams_user logic.

Schema Changes

In teams_users table, we can add a new column participant_id which is a foreign key from participants table and remove the column user_id. We plan to remove the user_id column only after data migration since the user_id field is used predominantly in several other controllers in a variety of ways, and as such its removal must be done carefully.

The participant_id field in the the teams_users relation is computed as follows:

  • Finding Assignment ID By Team ID

The teams_users table contains team_id, user_id and duty_id but not the participant_id. Since the same user_id can be associated with multiple participant_ids (since the same user can participate in multiple assignments and gets a unique participant_id in each assignment they take part in), we need to get the user_ids in the assignment for which we need the particular user's participant_id. For this reason, we need to first find the assignment_id.

  • Finding Participant ID By Assignment ID and User ID

With the assignment_id retrieved, we can find the list of participant_ids that participated in the assignment, and using the user_id, get the participant_id which is saved in the participants table.

ER diagram for updated schema

Data Migration


user_id exists as a foreign key in 2 relations - Participants and teams_users. Although they crrespond to same attribute, user_id alone cannot be used to find corresponding Participants because same user_id can exist for multiple Participants - due to Expertiza's design wherein for every assignment, every user is added to participant's table. Therefore Participant ID can be mapped to (assignment_id, user_id) pair.

Proposed Implementation

Finding Assignment ID using Team ID

Each team is associated with an assignment. The parent_id in teams table corresponds to assignment_id. Therefore, team_id in teams_users table can be used to get the Team object and in turn fetch the Assignment ID (present as parent_id in the teams table)

# Code snippet to fetch assignment_id based on team_id
assignment_id = Team.find(team_id).select(:parent_id)

Finding Participant ID By Assignment ID and User ID

The Assignment object can be fetched using the assignment ID. Each assignment contains a list of participants. The Participant object contains a user_id attribute. Since, a user can have only one entry in the Participants table for an assignment, we can use user_id to find the user's participant_id from this list.

# Code snippet to fetch participant_id based on assignment_id and user_id
participant_id = Assignment.find(assignment_id).participants.find_by(:user_id user_id)

Approach One

The above mentioned code snippets can be used for each tuple in the teams_users table.

# Brute Force Code Snippet
TeamsUser.all.each do |teamsUser|
    assignment_id = Team.find(teamsUser.team_id).select(:parent_id)
    participant_id = Assignment.find(assignment_id).participants.find_by(:user_id teamsUser.user_id)
    teamsUser.update_attribute(:participant_id, participant_id)

Approach Two

In the brute force approach (Approach One), database calls are made multiple times inside the loop. Moving the database calls out of the loop will give us a more efficient solution.


  1. Load all the TeamUser objects.
  2. Load all the Team objects for all the team_ids in TeamUser object
  3. Create a map with team_id as key and assignment_id as value. The resultant map usage: map[team_id] = assignment_id
  4. Load all the Assignment objects for all the assignment_ids from the map in the previous step. Also eager fetch participants along with the assignments.
  5. Create a nested map with assignment_id and user_id as key and participant_id as value. The resultant map usage: map[assignment_id][user_id] = participant_id
  6. For all TeamUser objects, find the participant_id from the maps generated from the previous steps and update the participant_id attribute.

View Changes and Refactoring

One of the requirements in E2243 is the refactoring of the student teams view in views/student_teams/view.html.erb

This view is quite cluttered and as a result, makes editing, understanding and extension difficult and tiresome for any future updates to the expertiza application. The code in this file can be modularized to obtain simpler and easier-to-understand, which is what we have achieved. The view was reafactored to incorporate partials, and some of the partials created as a result are:

  • _invited_people.html.erb : partial for displaying the invited participants to the assignment team
  • _display_advertisements.html.erb : partial for displaying advertisements in the view
  • _send_invitaions.html.erb : partial for the send invitations functionality
  • _received_invitations.html.erb : partial to display the received invitations for the current user

Effects of code changes in the Expertiza Application

While the renaming of the table to teams_participants has rippling effects throughout the program since multiple files contain calls to this class, It must be noted that not much else needs to change apart from the class name. In most cases, only the class name would be changed since we are primarily adding a new field(participant_id) and not removing any existing fields.

In most use cases noted in the application for the teams_users class, the main use cases seen are computed the team_id from the user_id and assignment_id or manipulations on the users in a teams_user object - adding and removing a team members from a team, for instance.

The changes we plan to make here will not cause a need for changes in other parts of the application apart from the replacement of the class name to teams_participants.

Impacted Files

  • teams_users_controller.rb (expertiza/app/controller/teams_user_controller.rb)

We will be adding code here to compute the participant_id using the methodologies described above.

  • teams_users.rb (expertiza/app/models/teams_user.rb)

The model will be updated (as can be seen in the ER diagram above) to have the participant_id added.

  • teams_users(expertiza/app/views/teams_users)

The view will be updated to reflect the new name of the model, and contain new partials that make use of the participant_id field.

  • teams_users_controller_spec.rb(expertiza/spec/controllers/teams_users_controller_spec.rb)

The test file for the controller will be modified so that existing test cases pass the new changes, and also introduce new test cases to increase test coverage.

Test Plan

Manual Testing

The changes in teams_users means we need to re-examine the flows and user stories through where teams_users is used. This, in practice, means that we manually have checked the different ways in which a team for an assignment can be created in expertiza, and other associated operations such as removal of a user from a team, addition of a new user, deletion of a team etc. This testing was necessary to ensure that the functionality in expertiza still worked as expected even after our refactoring was completed.

The main user stories we examined are:

  1. Student creates a team: A student, newly added to an assignment, opens the application and goes to "my team" after opening the assignment on expertiza. He enters his team's name and the team is created.
  2. Student joins a team: A student, is invited to join a team for an assignment, and accepts. He is added to an existing team, possibly created by another student or instructor.
  3. Instructor creates a team manually: An instructor who wishes to create a team with certain students on it, chooses the assignment on expertiza, and clicks on the icon to add a new team and in the manual section, creates a new team by giving a team name. They add students or participants to the newly created team and can remove them too.
  4. Instructor creates teams automatically: An instructor wishes to assign all the students involved in an assignment randomly to teams of a certain size. They open expertiza, choose the assignment, and then click on the icon to add a new team, and in the "create teams automatically" section, enter the team size they wish to use. The system then creates teams of the specified size, adding students randomly to teams which is reflected in both student and instructor views.

In addition to verifying team creation in all of the above scenarios, we also verified other operations such as addition of a team member after the team capacity was exhausted, deletion and re-addition of the same user, invitations to already existing participants in the same team etc and ensure the system was working as expected in these scenarios as well.

Automated Testing RSpec

Since this is a refactoring project, the scope of testing is limited to the changes made as part of refactoring and also to ensure that the existing test cases do not break or are modified accordingly. In all the existing test cases in expertiza/spec/controllers/teams_users_controller_spec.rb -- object initialization, #update_duties, when user is added to assignment team, when user is added to assignment team, when user is added to course team, when user is already on an assignment team, when user is added to assignment team while on a team already and when user is already on a course team the new methods which use both participant_id and user_id are to be incorporated to ensure continued quality of testing.

Fixed Test Files

After our refactoring, we noticed failing tests in the below files, and we have worked on fixing these to work with the new and updated functionality. The main issues were involving tests using the old methods for creating a team, adding participants to the team etc.


  • spec/models/assignment_team_spec.rb
  • spec/models/team_spec.rb


  • spec/helpers/authorization_helper_spec.rb


  • spec/controllers/join_team_request_controller_spec.rb
  • spec/controllers/student_teams_controller_spec.rb
  • spec/controllers/assessment360_controller_spec.rb
  • spec/controllers/lottery_controller_spec.rb
  • spec/controllers/sign_up_sheet_controller_spec.rb
  • spec/controllers/submitted_content_controller_spec.rb
  • spec/controllers/teams_users_controller_spec.rb

Team Members

  1. Ashok Kumar Selvam (
  2. Sri Athithya Kruth Babu (
  3. Subramanian Venkataraman (

Mentor: Naman Shrimali