CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2020 - E2052. Remove multiple topics at a time: Difference between revisions

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Line 238: Line 238:

it 'Selects all the checkboxes when select all checkbox clicked' do
it 'Selects all the checkboxes when select all checkbox clicked' do
assignment = Assignment.where(name: 'public assignment for test').first
        assignment = Assignment.where(name: 'public assignment for test').first
create(:topic, assignment_id:
        create(:topic, assignment_id:
create(:topic, assignment_id:
create(:topic, assignment_id:
visit "/assignments/#{}/edit"
visit "/assignments/#{}/edit"
click_link 'Topics'
click_link 'Topics'
                expect(page).to have_field('select_all')
        expect(page).to have_field('select_all')
expect(page).to have_checked_field('topic_check')         
        expect(page).to have_checked_field('topic_check')         

Line 256: Line 256:

it 'Deletes nothing when select all checkbox is not clicked and none of the topics are selected', js: true do
it 'Deletes nothing when select all checkbox is not clicked and none of the topics are selected', js: true do
assignment = Assignment.where(name: 'public assignment for test').first
assignment = Assignment.where(name: 'public assignment for test').first
create(:topic, assignment_id:
create(:topic, assignment_id:
create(:topic, assignment_id:
create(:topic, assignment_id:
visit "/assignments/#{}/edit"
visit "/assignments/#{}/edit"
click_link 'Topics'
click_link 'Topics'
click_button 'Delete selected topics'
click_button 'Delete selected topics'
                sleep 3
        sleep 3
topics_exist = SignUpTopic.where(assignment_id:
topics_exist = SignUpTopic.where(assignment_id:
                expect(topics_exist).to be_eql 2
        expect(topics_exist).to be_eql 2

Latest revision as of 01:37, 19 October 2020

This wiki page is for the description of E2052. Remove multiple topics at a time.


The Expertiza project is software to create reusable learning objects through peer review. It also supports team projects, and the submission of almost any document type, including URLs and wiki pages.

Problem Statement

Expertiza has Assignment objects, which represent an assignment that is done by some number of users. For some assignments, students need to select a topic before submitting work.

Topics associated with an assignment be reached as follows:

1. Log in as an instructor or a TA.

2. Select Manage->Assignments, which will bring up a list of assignments.

3. Click on “edit logo” under the “Action” column of an assignment.

4. Click on “Topics” tab in edit assignment page.

If an instructor or a TA wants to delete topics, he has to delete one topic at a time and has to wait for the page to refresh and then (s)he can proceed to delete the next topic, topics can only be deleted one by one.

To fix the problem:

1.There should be a checkbox column, along with other columns in “Topics” tab, where a user can select the topics (s)he wants to delete.

2.There should be a delete button/link at the end of the topic table with the name “delete selected topics” to delete the selected topics after a confirmation, prompted post clicking the button/link.

3.There should be a button/link alongside “delete selected topics” by the name “Select all” so that a user can select all and delete them in one go after clicking on “delete selected topics”.

Test plan to manually test our function

1. Beside "Home", click "Manage...", then click "Assignments".

2. Choose an Assignment ( 'Madeup Problem' is recommended).Then click "Edit" below Actions.

3. Click "Topics" tab.

4. Create some topics by clicking "New topic" on the bottom line.

5. Select them and click "Delete selected topics". Then click "OK". (It may take a while!)

6. Then you shall see that they are deleted.

Commands to test our RSpec:

rspec ./spec/features/assignment_creation_topics_spec.rb
rspec ./spec/controllers/sign_up_sheet_controller_spec.rb
rspec ./spec/features/staggered_deadline_spec.rb


1.Modify view

File: app/views/sign_up_sheet/_add_topics.html.erb

Added 'Delete selected topics' button and 'Select All' checkbox

We have also written a custom function 'deleteTopics' inside of <script> tag. This will collect all the topic id that we select via the checkbox and will send it to the sign_up_sheet controller for further processing.

  <input type="button" value="Delete selected topics" onclick="deleteTopics()" />|
    <input id='select_all' type="checkbox" onClick="selectAll(this)" />Select All |

    function deleteTopics() {
        var msg = 'Are you sure? It will delete all selected topics';
        if (confirm(msg)) {
            var topic_identifiers = []
            $("#topics input[type=checkbox]:checked").each(function() {
                var topic_id = $(this).closest('tr').find('#topic_id').text();


                url: '/sign_up_sheet/delete_all_selected_topics',
                method: 'POST',
                data: {
                    topic_ids: topic_identifiers,
                    assignment_id: <%= %>  
                success: function() {
        } else {
            window.location.href = '<%= edit_assignment_path( + "#tabs-2" %>';

File: app/views/sign_up_sheet/_table_header.html.erb

Added 'Select' and 'Topic ID' header

  <th width="5%">Topic ID</th>
  <th width="5%">Select</th>

File: app/views/sign_up_sheet/_add_signup_topics.html.erb

We have changed one line of code in this file to add the 'id' parameter in the table tag

  <table class="table table-striped" id="topics">

File: app/views/sign_up_sheet/_add_signup_topics_staggered.html.erb

We have added a check to see whenever there is no signup topic , it should not show the link for 'Show Due Date'

  <% if @assignment.staggered_deadline == true and @sign_up_topics.size != 0 %>

File: app/views/sign_up_sheet/_table_line.html.erb

Added checkbox fields for each row and each checkbox has an id called 'topic_check'. Each topic identifier has an id tag = 'topic_id'

  <td id='topic_id'><%= topic.topic_identifier %></td>
  <td><input id='topic_check' type="checkbox" name="Selected-Box"></td>

2.'Select All' function

File: app/assets/javascripts/signup.js

selectAll function checks all checkbox of topics in the table.

  function selectAll(source) {
    checkboxes = document.getElementsByName('Selected-Box');
    for (var i = 0, n = checkboxes.length; i < n; i++) {
        checkboxes[i].checked = source.checked;

3.'Delete' function

File: app/controllers/sign_up_sheet_controller.rb

It defines the following functions:

delete_all_selected_topics : This function deletes all the selected topics

load_all_selected_topics : This function loads all the rows ( tuples ) from sign up topics which have the selected topic ids.

def delete_all_selected_topics
    flash[:success] = "All selected topics have been deleted successfully."
    respond_to do |format|
      format.html { redirect_to edit_assignment_path(params[:assignment_id]) + "#tabs-2"}
      format.js {}
  def load_all_selected_topics
    @stopics = SignUpTopic.where(assignment_id: params[:assignment_id], topic_identifier: params[:topic_ids])

File: config/routes.rb

Added route for delete_all_selected_topics in signup_sheet_controller

  post :delete_all_selected_topics


We can see that we have a check-box coloumn in the table. We also have a 'Select All' option at the end of the table.

We can select a few topics in the table by clicking on the appropriate check-box

We can select all topics in the table by clicking on the 'Select All' option

When we click on the 'Delete Selected Topics' button , we get a popup asking for conformation.


File: spec/controllers/sign_up_sheet_controller_spec.rb

We created assignment with id '1' and topic with id ['E1732'] and passed it as params to post function of delete_all_selected_topics.

The test expects a success flash message 'All selected topics have been deleted successfully.

Then it expects to redirected to '/assignments/1/edit#tabs-2'

  describe '#delete_all_selected_topics' do
    it 'delete_all_selected_topics and redirects to edit assignment page with single topic as input' do
      allow(SignUpTopic).to receive(:find).with(assignment_id: 1,topic_identifier: ['E1732']).and_return(topic)
      params = {assignment_id: 1, topic_ids: ['E1732']}
      post :delete_all_selected_topics, params
      expect(flash[:success]).to eq('All selected topics have been deleted successfully.')
      topics_exist = SignUpTopic.where(assignment_id: 1).count
      expect(topics_exist).to be_eql 0
      expect(response).to redirect_to('/assignments/1/edit#tabs-2')

File : spec/features/assignment_creation_topics_spec.rb

This test checks the presence of 'Select All' checkbox and expects to check if all the checkboxes are selected when 'Select All' is checked.

it 'Selects all the checkboxes when select all checkbox clicked' do
        assignment = Assignment.where(name: 'public assignment for test').first
        create(:topic, assignment_id:
	create(:topic, assignment_id:
	visit "/assignments/#{}/edit"
	click_link 'Topics'
        expect(page).to have_field('select_all')
        expect(page).to have_checked_field('topic_check')        

This checks that if none of the topics are selected and nor the select all checkbox is checked, if the 'Delete selected topics' was clicked the topics would still be present and there would be no change to the page.

it 'Deletes nothing when select all checkbox is not clicked and none of the topics are selected', js: true do
	assignment = Assignment.where(name: 'public assignment for test').first
	create(:topic, assignment_id:
	create(:topic, assignment_id:
	visit "/assignments/#{}/edit"
	click_link 'Topics'
	click_button 'Delete selected topics'
        sleep 3
	topics_exist = SignUpTopic.where(assignment_id:
        expect(topics_exist).to be_eql 2

File : spec/features/staggered_deadline_spec.rb

We created an assignment with assignment name 'Assignment1665' and added 3 topics to it (Topic_1,Topic_2,Topic_3) and for each of them we have added staggered due dates. The test expects to select all the topics by checking 'Select All' and delete all the topics after pressing 'Delete selected topics' button. The test checks, that all topics are deleted by checking if the 'Topics' tab has disappeared from the window.

it 'test5: Deletes all selected topics that contain staggered deadlines', js: true do     
    assignment = Assignment.find_by(name: 'Assignment1665')
    visit "/assignments/#{}/edit"
    click_link 'Topics'
    click_button 'Delete selected topics'
    sleep 3
    expect(page).not_to have_content('Topics')
    expect(page).not_to have_content('Topic_1')
    expect(page).not_to have_content('Topic_2')
    expect(page).not_to have_content('Topic_3')