CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2019 - E1981. Student-generated questions added to rubric: Difference between revisions

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* To be continued...
* To be continued...
describe SupplementaryReviewQuestionnairesController do
    let(:team) { build(:assignment_team, id: 1, name: "team1", assignment: assignment) }
    let(:student1) { build(:student, id: 1, name: "student1") }
    let(:student2) { build(:student, id: 2, name: "student2") }
    let(:participant) { build(:participant, id: 1, user: student1, assignment: assignment) }
    let(:participant2) { build(:participant, id: 2, user: student2, assignment: assignment) }
    let(:assignment) { build(:assignment, id: 1) }
    # test the method of create_supplementary_review_questionnaire
    describe '#create_supplementary_review_questionnaire' do
      it 'redirects to questionnaires#edit page after create a new supplementary review questionnaire' do
        session = {user: student1}
        allow(AssignmentParticipant).to receive(:find).with('1').and_return(participant)
        allow(participant).to receive(:team).and_return(team)
        allow(Team).to receive(:find).with(1).and_return(team)
        params = {id: 1}
        get :create_supplementary_review_questionnaire, params, session
        expect(response).to redirect_to("/supplementary_review_questionnaires/#{team.supplementary_review_questionnaire_id}/edit")


Revision as of 02:11, 7 December 2019


The rubrics in expertiza are created by instructors. These Rubrics only contain questions that are related to the existed topics. Now, Expertiza only supports students to pull questionnaires is specific rubrics to get some help. Even that they can ask about anything that is relevant to all the projects that will be submitted But when students encounter difficult problems which are not in the existed topics, and they want to get special advice on that new field, the demand for creating supplementary review questionnaire raises. This project (E1981) aims to solve this problem by allowing students to add questions to the standard instructor generated rubric so that they can get specific feedback on from the reviewers.

Proposed solution

We will add the Supplementary Review Questions to the current Review Questions, and show these student-generated questions under the rubric given by instructor. Even though these questions won't be graded, they will eventually provide diversity for feedback. It will increase the benefit that each team gets because they can get feedback that is specific to their project.


Design Strategy

Goal: In Expertiza, all kinds of rubrics and surveys are subclasses of Questionnaire. A Questionnaire can contain “questions” of several types (e.g., checkboxes, dropdowns, text boxes). We'll add a new subclass of Questionnaire called, say, SupplementalReviewQuestionnaire.

1. there should be a checkbox when creating the whole questionnaire to indicate whether this questionnaire will have supplemental review questions or not.

2. there should be a button that has the content "add supplemental questions".

 a. if you click that button, it will redirect to a page that an instructor uses to create a supplemental questionnaire.
 b. when the supplemental questionnaire is created, it should append to the existed questionnaire.

3. After the reviewer finished the review, student can find the supplemental questionnaire in the review page.

How we will do this:

1. add a variable in the questionnaire class.

2. add another file for a supplemental questionnaire and save them to the database.

3. add a method to get the corresponding supplemental questionnaire and to add questions into the existed questionnaire.

4. we should add another method to show the supplemental questionnaire in the review page.

Modifications in the User Interface (Todo)

1. Assignment Creation Page in Instructor's Account

We plan to implement a check box under the column of Rubrics in the assignment creation page indicating whether the instructor allows students to add specific questionnaires with respect to their projects.

2. Your Work Page in A Student's Account

We plan to implement a link or button on the Your Work page of an assignment of a student whose assignment is enabled to create supplementary review questionnaires by the instructor, in order to redirect to the Review Rubrics Creation page.

3. Review Rubrics Creation Page

In this page, students are able to create supplementary review questions regarding the specifics of their own assignments.

4. Review Page

In the Review Page of reviewers, the supplementary review questions created by the owner of the assignment will be shown to reviewers along with the standard review questions created by the instructor.

5. Review Results Page

The Review Results Page should display the results of standard questions created by the instructor as well as the results of supplementary review questions created by the instructor.

Use Cases

Test Plan

RSpec Test

Firstly, we need to add tests to check the following basic functionalities of Supplementary Review Questionnaire:

  • There should be no link for "Supplementary Review Questionnaire" for team members or reviewerss, if the instructor disables this section in Assignment Creation Page.
  • If the instructor enables this section, the link for "Supplementary Review Questionnaire" should appear in the "Your Work" section of a student, and redirect to Review Rubrics Creation Page.
  • After created or edited, the supplementary review questions should appear as part of the whole review question sheet in Review Page (along with the standard review questions created by the instructor), to team members, reviewers, and the instructor.
  • After a reviewer saves or submits, the responses to the supplementary review questions should be stored and appear when (s)he views that review.
  • After review deadline, all responses to the supplementary review questions of reviewers should appear in Review Results Page of a student.

Besides, we need to add more tests to check other relevant functionalities and possible edge-cases as following:

  • After review deadline, a student should be able to give feedback by tagging the responses to the supplementary review questions, and the labels should be successfully displayed.
  • To be continued...
describe SupplementaryReviewQuestionnairesController do
    let(:team) { build(:assignment_team, id: 1, name: "team1", assignment: assignment) }
    let(:student1) { build(:student, id: 1, name: "student1") }
    let(:student2) { build(:student, id: 2, name: "student2") }
    let(:participant) { build(:participant, id: 1, user: student1, assignment: assignment) }
    let(:participant2) { build(:participant, id: 2, user: student2, assignment: assignment) }
    let(:assignment) { build(:assignment, id: 1) }

    # test the method of create_supplementary_review_questionnaire
    describe '#create_supplementary_review_questionnaire' do
      it 'redirects to questionnaires#edit page after create a new supplementary review questionnaire' do
        session = {user: student1}
        allow(AssignmentParticipant).to receive(:find).with('1').and_return(participant) 
        allow(participant).to receive(:team).and_return(team)
        allow(Team).to receive(:find).with(1).and_return(team) 
        params = {id: 1}
        get :create_supplementary_review_questionnaire, params, session
        expect(response).to redirect_to("/supplementary_review_questionnaires/#{team.supplementary_review_questionnaire_id}/edit")

UI Test

1. When a new assignment is created, the instructor can enable supplementary questionnaire via the highlighted checkbox.

 a. Log in as an instructor, create a new assignment.
b. In the Review Strategy table, check "Allow student-generated questions added to rubric?".
c. Create two teams each containing two students.

2. In the submit stage, all team members can create and edit one supplementary quetionnaire to their team.

 a. Impersonate as a student, there will be a link to "create supplementary review questionnaire" as highlighted, in the "Your work" page.
b. Click on the link, and you will be able to add, edit, and remove questions of the supplementary questionnaire which belongs to your team.
c. Switch to another member of the same team, then you will be able to modify the same supplementary questionnaire.

3. In the review stage, reviewers will get one complete questionnaire (including both the regular questionnaire created by intructor, and the supplementary questionnaire created by the team) and do the review.

 a. Revert as instructor, change the due date to make it forward to review stage.
b. Impersonate as every student.
c. Request a review, then begin it, edit, save, submit, and view the responses.
d. The questionnaire will completely include both parts, and your responses will correctly show in the view page.

4. After review stage, team members can view the list of all the scores and responses of the complete questionnaire of their team.

 a. Impersonate as any student.
b. Click on "Your score" to see all the scores and responses of your complete questionnaire.
c. The table correctly shows the scores and respones from reviewers.
d. Click on "toggle question list" to see your questionaire. It correctly includes both parts.

File which are added/modified



















Team members

Hua Cao

Heng Yu

Chien-Yuan Wang

Benjamin Ding


Expertiza on Github:

Pull Request:

Add supplementary questions for students

Supplementary questionnaire and responses can be correctly shown, edited, and stored.

Add supplementary questions in grades controller

Add supplementary questions for retrieve_questins method

Add test cases.

Add test case of questionnaires_controller

Expertiza YouTube channel: