CSC/ECE 517 Spring 2024/ OSS E2400 Allow Reviewers to Bid on What to Review: Difference between revisions

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A review bid is a system used in Expertiza, where students indicate their preferences for reviewing certain assignments or projects. Students bid on the tasks they prefer to review through ranking their interests. The allocation of review assignments is determined by a bidding algorithm, balancing student preferences with fair and efficient distribution.
A review bid is a system used in Expertiza, where students indicate their preferences for reviewing certain assignments or projects. Students bid on the tasks they prefer to review through ranking their interests. The allocation of review assignments is determined by a bidding algorithm, balancing student preferences with fair and efficient distribution.
== Test Login Credentials ==
<li>UserId: instructor6</li>
<li>Password: password</li>

== Problem Statement ==
== Problem Statement ==
Line 20: Line 16:

== Feature Overview ==
== Feature Overview ==
===Preferred Features for Reviews ===
The following Use Case Diagram demonstrates the primary functionality explained in the previous section for different types of users.
The desired feature for reviews should have a nearly same layout as this, but with reviews rather than themes. Students should be presented a list of topics that have been worked on, and they should be able to bid on the ones they want to review the most. The Priority system might be implemented in the same way, with the exception that a student should not be able to review their own work.
===Current Topic Bidding Feature===
===Current Topic Bidding Feature===
Students may bid on topics they would like to work on. The following image shows the functionality of this feature.
Students may bid on topics they would like to work on. The following image shows the functionality of this feature.
[[File: Bidding sheet.png|none|1000px|left]]
The students can view the page before bidding for the topics to review. The below image shows how the page looks before selecting topics.
[[File:Review page.jpg|none|1000px|center]]
Students are allowed to bid on several topics, ranking them by priority. When the bidding deadline passes, every student is allocated a topic based on their preferences.

Students are can see how “hot” each topic is by the color it has on their topic list allowed to bid on several topics, ranking them by priority.
[[File: Bidding sheet.png|none|1000px|center]]
This allocation process utilizes a modified Gale-Shapely Algorithm to ensure a stable match between students and topics, aiming to satisfy student preferences as much as possible. To resolve preference ties, topics prioritize students based on whether they are bidding as part of a group (with group members receiving higher priority) and the timing of their bid (earlier bids receive higher priority). After the bidding deadline:
This allocation process utilizes a modified Gale-Shapely Algorithm to ensure a stable match between students and topics, aiming to satisfy student preferences as much as possible. To resolve preference ties, topics prioritize students based on whether they are bidding as part of a group (with group members receiving higher priority) and the timing of their bid (earlier bids receive higher priority). After the bidding deadline:

Line 34: Line 38:
# This cycle continues until every student has been assigned a topic.
# This cycle continues until every student has been assigned a topic.
# The algorithm checks for and corrects any 'unstable' matches, where swapping students between topics would more accurately fulfill their preferences.
# The algorithm checks for and corrects any 'unstable' matches, where swapping students between topics would more accurately fulfill their preferences.
This feature appears as an option when editing/creating a new assignment under the "Topics" area, as shown in the below.
[[File:Editing Assignement.png|none|1000px|left]]
When this option is enabled, students will be able to access a new view that lists of the topics from submitted assignments (except their own). The user can drag the topics from topics table from the left into the selection table. The user can rearrange the selected topics in the selection table based on the priority. The list of prioritized topics are used to run the bidding algorithm.
If the student has not selected any topic for review then the review_bidding algorithm will assign the required number of topics automatically after the given deadline to choose the topics to review.

This process, with a time complexity of O(n^2), ensures that all students are matched with a topic they prefer, respecting their choices as closely as possible. For further information on this algorithm and its application, one can refer to documentation from the previous year when this method was first implemented.
This process, with a time complexity of O(n^2), ensures that all students are matched with a topic they prefer, respecting their choices as closely as possible. For further information on this algorithm and its application, one can refer to documentation from the previous year when this method was first implemented.

===Preferred Features for Reviews ===
After the deadline to choose the topics to review, the instructor runs the run bidding algorithm. The topics selected by the student is allocated based on the priority as shown in the below image.  
The following Use Case Diagram demonstrates the primary functionality explained in the previous section for different types of users.
The desired feature for reviews should have a nearly same layout as this, but with reviews rather than themes. Students should be presented a list of topics that have been worked on, and they should be able to bid on the ones they want to review the most. The Priority system might be implemented in the same way, with the exception that a student should not be able to review their own work.
This feature appears as an option when editing/creating a new assignment under the "Topics" area, as shown in the below.
[[File:Editing Assignement.png|1000px|center]]

When this option is enabled, students will be able to access a new view that lists of the topics from submitted assignments (except their own). The user can drag the topics from topics table from the left into the selection table. The user can rearrange the selected topics in the selection table based on the priority. The list of prioritized topics are used to run the bidding algorithm.
After the deadline, if a student fails to bid the topics to review, the run bid algorithm allocated topics to the student after the instructor runs the run bidding algorithm .
[[File:Topics review.png|1000px|center]]

== Proposed Solutions ==
== Proposed Solutions ==
=== Review_bids_others_work is a DRY violation ===
=== Design Principle===
The previously implemented code had DRY violation  [ found here]
The below code is implemented to over come the DRY violation.

The codebase adheres to the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP), ensuring that each component or function has only one reason to change by fulfilling a single purpose. This minimizes the need for modifications and enhances the design's simplicity.

<% def display_topic_and_participant(title, review_no, topic_id, assignment, participant) %>
=== review_bids_others_work is a DRY violation ===
The previously implemented code had DRY violation  [ found here].
  <b><%= "#{title} #{review_no}." %></b>
The below code is implemented to overcome the DRY violation.
  # --In ‘review_bids/index’ page, if the topic_identifier is empty, ‘:’ sign should not be displayed.-->
The use of helper methods (display_topic_and_participant and display_assignment_reviews_info) modularizes the code. The code avoids repetition and enhances readability. These methods can be reused wherever similar functionality is required, reducing the need to duplicate logic.
  <% topic = SignUpTopic.find(topic_id) %>
The code efficiently processes each review mapping by iterating over @review_mappings with a loop, eliminating the need for repeated markup or logic for each review's display. This approach is significantly more effective than individually coding the display for each review.
  <% if !topic_id.nil? %>
    <%= "#{topic.topic_identifier.present? ? "#{topic.topic_identifier}: " : ""}#{topic.topic_name}" %>
  <%if !@assignment.is_anonymous%>
    &nbsp; (author: <%= participant.fullname%>)
<% end %>


<% def display_assignment_reviews_info(assignment, num_reviews_completed) %>
==== run_bidding_algorithm ====
  <h2>Reviews for "<%= %>"</h2>
The previously implemented code used a webserver which is [ no longer active].
  <!-- add headers that provide information regarding review numbers -->
*We reimplemented the run_bidding_algorithm to use a simplified algorithm which runs as part of Expertiza rather than calling an external service.
  <% if assignment.num_reviews_allowed.nil? || assignment.num_reviews_allowed == -1 %>
*When the instructor runs the Run Review Algorithm,assign_bid_review method is called from the review_bid_controller.The bidding_data information is retrieved from bidding_data method which is present in the review_bid
    <h4>Your instructor expects you to do <%= assignment.num_reviews_required %> reviews. You are not allowed to do any extra reviews. </h4>
  <% elsif assignment.num_reviews_allowed == assignment.num_reviews_required %>
    <h4>You should perform exactly <%= assignment.num_reviews_allowed %> reviews </h4>
  <% else %>
    <h4>You may perform between <%= assignment.num_reviews_required %> and <%= assignment.num_reviews_allowed %> reviews</h4>
  <% end %>
  <h4>You are required to do <%= assignment.num_reviews_required %> reviews</h4>
  <h4>Number of reviews left: <%= assignment.num_reviews_allowed - num_reviews_completed %></h4>
<% end %>

#This methods displays flash
<% = flash_message %>
*There was code for bidding for topics and in a different part of the system, code for bidding for reviews. The two code blocks were eerily similar to each other.
*The previously implemented code  [ found here] has implemented the set_priority logic in both sign_up_sheet and in review_bid_controller making these functions dependent on each other.
# This method displays the number of reviews to be done defined in review_bids_helper
*We have refactored the set_priority code but not reimplemented it as the sign_up_sheet controller has the same set_priority method[].
<%= display_assignment_reviews_info(@assignment, @num_reviews_completed) %>

# -- table with reviews available to complete -->
=== action_allowed needs to use Authorization Utilities ===
The problems listed below are examples of the four main classes of problems that were encountered in previously implemented code and the fixes made while reimplementing the same:
  <% review_no = 1 %>
  <% title = 'Review' %>
  <% @review_mappings.each do |map| %>
    # Create sorted_response array to store information from particular map id
    <% @sorted_responses = [] %>
    <% team = AssignmentTeam.find(map.reviewee_id) %>
    <% participant = team.participants.first %>
    <% if participant %>
      <% topic_id = SignedUpTeam.topic_id(participant.parent_id, participant.user_id) %>
        <%= display_topic_and_participant(title, review_no, topic_id, assignment, participant) %>
        <% latest_submission = team.most_recent_submission %>
        <% if !map.response.empty? && latest_submission %>
          <% # Populate sorted response array from corresponding id and set array_not_empty flag %>
          <% @sorted_responses = Response.where(map_id: %>
          <% array_not_empty = @sorted_responses.present? ? 1 : 0 %>
          <% if array_not_empty == 1 %>
            <% # the latest should be at the last %>
            <% @sorted_responses = @sorted_responses.sort_by {|obj| obj.updated_at} %>
            <% @latest_response = @sorted_responses.last %>
            # Determine the round of the latest response: retrieve it from the response if available, else use AssignmentDueDate. %>
            <% last_response_round = @latest_response.round.nil? ? AssignmentDueDate.done_in_assignment_round(, @latest_response) : @latest_response.round %>
            <% current_round = @assignment.number_of_current_round(topic_id) %>
              <%= link_to "View", {:controller => 'response', :action => 'view', :id =>} %>
            <% if @assignment.current_stage(topic_id) != "Finished" %>
              <td><%= render_not_finished_response_links_and_info(@assignment, topic_id, last_response_round, current_round, @latest_response, latest_submission, map) %></td>
            <% elsif @assignment.current_stage(topic_id) != "Complete" && @assignment.can_review(topic_id) && latest_submission %>
              <td><%= link_to "Begin", {:controller => 'response', :action => 'new', :id =>} %></td>
            <% else %>
              <td> Work has not yet been submitted for Review <%= review_no %></td>
            <% end %>
            <% review_no += 1 %>
          <% end %> <!-- This end closes the if block for array_not_empty == 1 -->
        <% end %> <!-- This end closes the if block for !map.response.empty? && latest_submission -->
    <% end %> <!-- This end closes the if block for participant -->
  <% end %> <!-- This end closes the loop for @review_mappings.each -->
<%= link_to "Back", :controller=>'student_task', :action => 'view', :id => %>

=== Action_allowed needs to use Authorization Utilities ===
Problem 1: Much of the authorization logic is repeated (un-DRY). For example, multiple controllers contain the following exact code.
The problems listed below are examples of the four main classes of problems that were encountered in previously implemented code and the fixes made while reimplementing the same:
* '''Problem 1''': Much of the authorization logic is repeated (un-DRY). For example, multiple controllers contain the following exact code.
   'Teaching Assistant'].include? current_role_name
   'Teaching Assistant'].include? current_role_name
Solution 1: Use one of the helper methods from the new authorization_helper.rb (link) to allow TAs *and above* (instructors, admins, super-admins) to perform this work.
* '''Solution 1''': Use one of the helper methods from the new authorization_helper.rb ([ link]) to allow TAs *and above* (instructors, admins, super-admins) to perform this work.
Problem 2: Some logic is slightly incorrect. For example, some places call for a specific user type, when users "above" this type should also be allowed to perform the work. In the following example (advertise_for_partner_controller.rb), only Students may advertise for partners. However per Dr. Gehringer, "There are no cases I am aware of where a particular type of user can do something that more-privileged users cannot do".
* '''Problem 2''': Some logic is slightly incorrect. For example, some places call for a specific user type, when users "above" this type should also be allowed to perform the work. In the following example (advertise_for_partner_controller.rb), only Students may advertise for partners. However per Dr. Gehringer, "There are no cases I am aware of where a particular type of user can do something that more-privileged users cannot do".
Solution 2: Use one of the helper methods from the new authorization_helper.rb (link) to allow Students *and above* (TAs, instructors, admins, super-admins) to perform this work.
* '''Solution 2''': Use one of the helper methods from the new authorization_helper.rb ([ link]) to allow Students *and above* (TAs, instructors, admins, super-admins) to perform this work.
However, in case there IS a need to know if the current user has one specific role, this is still supported by the helper method current_user_is_a?
* However, in case there IS a need to know if the current user has one specific role, this is still supported by the helper method current_user_is_a?
Problem 3: Too much authorization logic is present in the controllers. This makes the controllers more difficult to read, and scatters authorization logic, when it would be easier to understand if it were all in one place.
* '''Problem 3''': Too much authorization logic is present in the controllers. This makes the controllers more difficult to read, and scatters authorization logic, when it would be easier to understand if it were all in one place.
   def action_allowed?
   def action_allowed?
     if %w[edit update list_submissions].include? params[:action]
     if %w[edit update list_submissions].include? params[:action]
Line 193: Line 105:
Solution 3: Establish helper methods in the new authorization_helper.rb (link) to centralize as much authorization logic as possible. In this way, a developer with questions about authorization knows just where to look to find answers - authorization_helper.rb (link).
* '''Solution 3''': Establish helper methods in the new authorization_helper.rb ([ link]) to centralize as much authorization logic as possible. In this way, a developer with questions about authorization knows just where to look to find answers - authorization_helper.rb ([ link]).
   def action_allowed?
   def action_allowed?
     if %w[edit update list_submissions].include? params[:action]
     if %w[edit update list_submissions].include? params[:action]
Line 203: Line 113:
Problem 4: Some action_allowed? methods are difficult to follow, and/or knowledge about how the action parameter should affect authorization is buried in another method.
* '''Problem 4''': Some action_allowed? methods are difficult to follow, and/or knowledge about how the action parameter should affect authorization is buried in another method.
   def action_allowed?
   def action_allowed?
Line 212: Line 119:
Solution 4: Clean up action_allowed? methods and make the influence of the action parameter visible at this level.
* '''Solution 4''': Clean up action_allowed? methods and make the influence of the action parameter visible at this level.
   def action_allowed?
   def action_allowed?
     case params[:action]
     case params[:action]
Line 227: Line 132:

=== The Run_bid algorithm should be assign_reviewers===
== Tests ==
A bidding algorithms implemented to assign the groups their first choice of bidding. As this is an NP-complete problem, the algorithm has to use heuristics to guess efficiently. There has to be a way for instructors to easily view and compare the results of the bidding algorithms to get a quantitative sense of their effectiveness.
===Test Login Credentials ===
<li>UserId: instructor6</li>
<li>Password: password</li>
=== bidding_data ===
This method is intended to fetch and return the bidding data relevant to an assignment and the reviewer. The tests validate the robustness and correctness of the data under various scenarios as follows:
===Refactored class methods to instance methods in Review_bid.rb  ===
The  [ previously implemented project] has class methods. We have refactored this to instance method.
class ReviewBid < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :topic, class_name: 'SignUpTopic'
  belongs_to :participant, class_name: 'Participant'
  belongs_to :assignment, class_name: 'Assignment'
  # method to get bidding data
  # returns the bidding data needed for the assigning algorithm
  # student_ids, topic_ids, student_preferences, topic_preferences, max reviews allowed
  def bidding_data(assignment_id, reviewer_ids)
    # create basic hash and set basic hash data
    bidding_data = { 'tid' => [], 'users' => {}, 'max_accepted_proposals' => [] }
    bidding_data['tid'] = SignUpTopic.where(assignment_id: assignment_id).ids
    bidding_data['max_accepted_proposals'] = Assignment.where(id: assignment_id).pluck(:num_reviews_allowed).first
    # loop through reviewer_ids to get reviewer specific bidding data
    reviewer_ids.each do |reviewer_id|
      bidding_data['users'][reviewer_id] = reviewer_bidding_data(reviewer_id, assignment_id)
  # assigns topics to reviews as matched by the webservice algorithm
  def assign_review_topics(assignment_id, reviewer_ids, matched_topics, _min_num_reviews = 2)
    # if review response map already created, delete it
    if ReviewResponseMap.where(reviewed_object_id: assignment_id)
      ReviewResponseMap.where(reviewed_object_id: assignment_id).destroy_all
    # loop through reviewer_ids to assign reviews to each reviewer
    reviewer_ids.each do |reviewer_id|
      topics_to_assign = matched_topics[reviewer_id.to_s]
      topics_to_assign.each do |topic|
        assign_topic_to_reviewer(assignment_id, reviewer_id, topic)
  # method to assign a single topic to a reviewer
  def assign_topic_to_reviewer(assignment_id, reviewer_id, topic)
    team_to_review = SignedUpTeam.where(topic_id: topic).pluck(:team_id).first
    team_to_review.nil? ? [] : ReviewResponseMap.create(reviewed_object_id: assignment_id, reviewer_id: reviewer_id, reviewee_id: team_to_review, type: 'ReviewResponseMap')
  # method for getting individual reviewer_ids bidding data
  # returns user's bidding data hash
  def reviewer_bidding_data(reviewer_id, assignment_id)
    reviewer_user_id = AssignmentParticipant.find(reviewer_id).user_id
    self_topic = SignedUpTeam.topic_id(assignment_id, reviewer_user_id)
    bidding_data = { 'tid' => [], 'otid' => self_topic, 'priority' => [], 'time' => [] }
    bids = ReviewBid.where(participant_id: reviewer_id)
    # loop through each bid for a topic to get specific data
    bids.each do |bid|
      bidding_data['tid'] << bid.signuptopic_id
      bidding_data['priority'] << bid.priority
      bidding_data['time'] << bid.updated_at

'''Valid Inputs'''
#Test Case 1 (Multiple Reviewers)
#*To check if the application correctly handles multiple reviewers for a valid assignment id.
#*Expected output is a hash containing bidding data for assignment and reviewers.
# Test Case 2 (Single Reviewer)
#*To check if the application can handle and return correct data for a single reviewer.
#*Expected output is a hash containing all the submissions to review for the assignment and reviewer.
# Test Case 3 (No Reviewers)
#*To verify if the application would respond when no reviewers are provided but the assignment ID is valid.
#*Expected output is an empty hash as there are no reviewers.
'''Invalid Inputs'''
# Test Case 4 (Both Assignment ID and Reviewer ID is Nil)
#*Tests the application's error handling when the assignment ID is nil.
#*Expected Output is an empty array.
# Test Case 5 (Nil Reviewer IDs)
#*To evaluate how the application works when reviewer IDs are not provided.
#*Expected Ouput is an empty array.
# Test Case 6 (When assignment_id is valid but reviewer_ids is Nil)
#*To evaluate how the application works if assignment_id is valid but reviewer_id is not valid.
#*Expected output is an empty array.
# Test Case 7 (When  reviewer_ids is valid but assignment_id is Nil):
#* To evaluate how the application works if the reviewer_ids is valid but the assignment_id is not valid.
#*Expected output is an empty array.
# Test Case 8 (When assignment_id has valid data but reviewer_ids is an empty array):
#*To evaluate how the application works if the reviewers_id is has an empty array.
#* Expected output is an empty array

== Future Plan of Action ==
=== assign_topic_to_reviewer ===
===Test Plan===
This method assigns topics to reviewers based on the availability of signed-up teams for a given topics. The test scenarios ensure that the system accurately creates mapping records in scenarios with valid data and handles cases without valid data.
#Manual Testing
* UI testing of the implemented functionality to be done.
* No UI has been created been created for the conference paper review bidding. Hence assignment bidding controller is used to manually test the code on a local host to determine the feasibility of code.

  ** Log in as an instructor
#Test Case 1
  ** Go to an Assignment
#*This test case is to test the creation of ReviewResponseMap when there is a team signed up for the topic.  
  ** Go to topics section, add few topics for the assignment. Later check the enable bidding checkbox button.
#*Expected output is that the ReviewResponseMap with assignment IDs should be created.
  ** Go to add participants page, add few student to the assignment.
#Test Case 2
  ** Now save the assignment.
#*To check if assignment IDs are handled accurately when multiple teams are signed up.  
  ** Login as student (who is a participant of the assignment)
#*Expected output is the ReviewResponseMap has been linked to first signed up team and so on.
  ** Go to the assignment page, then go to sign up sheet and bid for topics.
  ** Do the above the step for the participants.
  ** Login back to an instructor, go to manage assignments page, click on the run intelligent assignment button.
  ** Go to the topics tab in the assignment, here you will be able to view all the team's assignments to their topics.

===Automated Test Cases===
=== reviewer_bidding_data ===
* TDD and Feature Test cases to be written. For instance, we will do Rspec test in cases below:
This method retrieves detailed bidding information for a specific reviewer and assignment. The tests generated check if the system is capable of retrieving data and can address errors.
** When all the reviewers submit their preferences.
#Test Case 1 (Invalid Reviewer ID):
** When there are no preferences from any user.
#*This test verifies that an appropriate error is raised when an invalid reviewer ID is used.
** When few have their preferences and few don't.
#* Expected Output is to raise an exception error ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound

===Edge cases===
== Team ==  
*Edward F. Gehringer

* Case 1: No reviewer submits a list of preferred topics to review : In this case all topics are assigned same bid score. Topics are assigned to users on the basis of "balanced assignment", first come first serve.
*Ruchika Malhotra
*Dinesh Kannan
*Vindhya Rani Mangapuram

* Case 2: All reviewers submit exactly the same list of topics to review: It will be first come, first serve.
== Links ==
*[ Demo Video Link]
*[ Pull Request]

* Case 3: Number of topics exceed the number of teams: Some topics may not be reviewed,depending on the limits put by the conference. It is responsibility of administrator to add more teams in such a situation
== References==
*[ Project Instructions]

Latest revision as of 03:30, 24 April 2024

This wiki page provides information regarding the refactoring of E2400 review_mapping_controller.rb OSS project for Spring 2024, CSC/ECE 517


The Expertiza project makes use of peer review to allow students to learn from one another. It's a Ruby on Rails-based open-source application. It is used by faculty and students for the management of courses and assignments for specific courses. Different screens in the manage content area of the application offer information about users, courses, assignments, questionnaires, and reviews.

A review bid is a system used in Expertiza, where students indicate their preferences for reviewing certain assignments or projects. Students bid on the tasks they prefer to review through ranking their interests. The allocation of review assignments is determined by a bidding algorithm, balancing student preferences with fair and efficient distribution.

Problem Statement

  1. The process of reviewing plays a crucial role in the learning and improvement cycle, benefiting both the reviewer and the reviewee. Allowing reviewers to choose their topics freely can lead to more thorough reviews and increased engagement. However, the current system of assigning review topics on a first-come-first-served basis disadvantages students who are slower to sign up, preventing them from reviewing topics they are most interested in.
  2. An improved approach would be to introduce a bidding system for review topics, similar to the one used for topic selection. This system would enable students to express their preferences for topics they are keen to review. An effective bidding algorithm could ensure that all interested students receive a topic they are eager to review.
  3. While the prior work met the functional requirements, it could not be integrated due to numerous violations of the DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) principle.


When topics are opened up for bidding, students can see how “hot” each topic is by the color it has on their topic list. However, instructors have no way to view the bidding process except by impersonating students. Furthermore, when the bidding assignment algorithm is run, there is no way to verify that it did in fact assign teams to topics they had chosen.

Feature Overview

Preferred Features for Reviews

The following Use Case Diagram demonstrates the primary functionality explained in the previous section for different types of users.

The desired feature for reviews should have a nearly same layout as this, but with reviews rather than themes. Students should be presented a list of topics that have been worked on, and they should be able to bid on the ones they want to review the most. The Priority system might be implemented in the same way, with the exception that a student should not be able to review their own work.

Current Topic Bidding Feature

Students may bid on topics they would like to work on. The following image shows the functionality of this feature. The students can view the page before bidding for the topics to review. The below image shows how the page looks before selecting topics.

Students are can see how “hot” each topic is by the color it has on their topic list allowed to bid on several topics, ranking them by priority.

This allocation process utilizes a modified Gale-Shapely Algorithm to ensure a stable match between students and topics, aiming to satisfy student preferences as much as possible. To resolve preference ties, topics prioritize students based on whether they are bidding as part of a group (with group members receiving higher priority) and the timing of their bid (earlier bids receive higher priority). After the bidding deadline:

  1. Students are initially paired with their top-choice topic.
  2. If a topic exceeds its capacity, it retains only the students with the highest priority.
  3. Topics that have reached capacity are then removed from the selection pool.
  4. Unmatched students repeat the process, selecting from the remaining topics.
  5. This cycle continues until every student has been assigned a topic.
  6. The algorithm checks for and corrects any 'unstable' matches, where swapping students between topics would more accurately fulfill their preferences.

This feature appears as an option when editing/creating a new assignment under the "Topics" area, as shown in the below.

When this option is enabled, students will be able to access a new view that lists of the topics from submitted assignments (except their own). The user can drag the topics from topics table from the left into the selection table. The user can rearrange the selected topics in the selection table based on the priority. The list of prioritized topics are used to run the bidding algorithm. If the student has not selected any topic for review then the review_bidding algorithm will assign the required number of topics automatically after the given deadline to choose the topics to review.

This process, with a time complexity of O(n^2), ensures that all students are matched with a topic they prefer, respecting their choices as closely as possible. For further information on this algorithm and its application, one can refer to documentation from the previous year when this method was first implemented.

After the deadline to choose the topics to review, the instructor runs the run bidding algorithm. The topics selected by the student is allocated based on the priority as shown in the below image.

After the deadline, if a student fails to bid the topics to review, the run bid algorithm allocated topics to the student after the instructor runs the run bidding algorithm .

Proposed Solutions

Design Principle

The codebase adheres to the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP), ensuring that each component or function has only one reason to change by fulfilling a single purpose. This minimizes the need for modifications and enhances the design's simplicity.

review_bids_others_work is a DRY violation

The previously implemented code had DRY violation found here. The below code is implemented to overcome the DRY violation. The use of helper methods (display_topic_and_participant and display_assignment_reviews_info) modularizes the code. The code avoids repetition and enhances readability. These methods can be reused wherever similar functionality is required, reducing the need to duplicate logic. The code efficiently processes each review mapping by iterating over @review_mappings with a loop, eliminating the need for repeated markup or logic for each review's display. This approach is significantly more effective than individually coding the display for each review.



The previously implemented code used a webserver which is no longer active.

  • We reimplemented the run_bidding_algorithm to use a simplified algorithm which runs as part of Expertiza rather than calling an external service.
  • When the instructor runs the Run Review Algorithm,assign_bid_review method is called from the review_bid_controller.The bidding_data information is retrieved from bidding_data method which is present in the review_bid


  • There was code for bidding for topics and in a different part of the system, code for bidding for reviews. The two code blocks were eerily similar to each other.
  • The previously implemented code found here has implemented the set_priority logic in both sign_up_sheet and in review_bid_controller making these functions dependent on each other.
  • We have refactored the set_priority code but not reimplemented it as the sign_up_sheet controller has the same set_priority method[1].

action_allowed needs to use Authorization Utilities

The problems listed below are examples of the four main classes of problems that were encountered in previously implemented code and the fixes made while reimplementing the same:

Problem 1: Much of the authorization logic is repeated (un-DRY). For example, multiple controllers contain the following exact code.

 'Teaching Assistant'].include? current_role_name

Solution 1: Use one of the helper methods from the new authorization_helper.rb (link) to allow TAs *and above* (instructors, admins, super-admins) to perform this work.


Problem 2: Some logic is slightly incorrect. For example, some places call for a specific user type, when users "above" this type should also be allowed to perform the work. In the following example (advertise_for_partner_controller.rb), only Students may advertise for partners. However per Dr. Gehringer, "There are no cases I am aware of where a particular type of user can do something that more-privileged users cannot do"."Student")

Solution 2: Use one of the helper methods from the new authorization_helper.rb (link) to allow Students *and above* (TAs, instructors, admins, super-admins) to perform this work.


However, in case there IS a need to know if the current user has one specific role, this is still supported by the helper method current_user_is_a? Problem 3: Too much authorization logic is present in the controllers. This makes the controllers more difficult to read, and scatters authorization logic, when it would be easier to understand if it were all in one place.

 def action_allowed?
   if %w[edit update list_submissions].include? params[:action]
     assignment = Assignment.find(params[:id])
     (%w[Super-Administrator Administrator].include? current_role_name) ||
     (assignment.instructor_id == current_user.try(:id)) ||
     TaMapping.exists?(ta_id: current_user.try(:id), course_id: assignment.course_id) ||
     (assignment.course_id && Course.find(assignment.course_id).instructor_id == current_user.try(:id))
      'Teaching Assistant'].include? current_role_name

Solution 3: Establish helper methods in the new authorization_helper.rb (link) to centralize as much authorization logic as possible. In this way, a developer with questions about authorization knows just where to look to find answers - authorization_helper.rb (link).

 def action_allowed?
   if %w[edit update list_submissions].include? params[:action]
     current_user_has_admin_privileges? || current_user_teaching_staff_of_assignment?(params[:id])

Problem 4: Some action_allowed? methods are difficult to follow, and/or knowledge about how the action parameter should affect authorization is buried in another method.

 def action_allowed?
   ((%w[edit].include? action_name) ? are_needed_authorizations_present?(params[:id], "reader", "reviewer") : true) and

Solution 4: Clean up action_allowed? methods and make the influence of the action parameter visible at this level.

 def action_allowed?
   case params[:action]
   when 'edit'
     current_user_has_student_privileges? &&
     are_needed_authorizations_present?(params[:id], "reader", "reviewer")
   when 'submit_file', 'submit_hyperlink'
     current_user_has_student_privileges? &&


Test Login Credentials

  • UserId: instructor6
  • Password: password
  • bidding_data

    This method is intended to fetch and return the bidding data relevant to an assignment and the reviewer. The tests validate the robustness and correctness of the data under various scenarios as follows:

    Valid Inputs

    1. Test Case 1 (Multiple Reviewers)
      • To check if the application correctly handles multiple reviewers for a valid assignment id.
      • Expected output is a hash containing bidding data for assignment and reviewers.
    2. Test Case 2 (Single Reviewer)
      • To check if the application can handle and return correct data for a single reviewer.
      • Expected output is a hash containing all the submissions to review for the assignment and reviewer.
    3. Test Case 3 (No Reviewers)
      • To verify if the application would respond when no reviewers are provided but the assignment ID is valid.
      • Expected output is an empty hash as there are no reviewers.

    Invalid Inputs

    1. Test Case 4 (Both Assignment ID and Reviewer ID is Nil)
      • Tests the application's error handling when the assignment ID is nil.
      • Expected Output is an empty array.
    2. Test Case 5 (Nil Reviewer IDs)
      • To evaluate how the application works when reviewer IDs are not provided.
      • Expected Ouput is an empty array.
    3. Test Case 6 (When assignment_id is valid but reviewer_ids is Nil)
      • To evaluate how the application works if assignment_id is valid but reviewer_id is not valid.
      • Expected output is an empty array.
    4. Test Case 7 (When reviewer_ids is valid but assignment_id is Nil):
      • To evaluate how the application works if the reviewer_ids is valid but the assignment_id is not valid.
      • Expected output is an empty array.
    5. Test Case 8 (When assignment_id has valid data but reviewer_ids is an empty array):
      • To evaluate how the application works if the reviewers_id is has an empty array.
      • Expected output is an empty array


    This method assigns topics to reviewers based on the availability of signed-up teams for a given topics. The test scenarios ensure that the system accurately creates mapping records in scenarios with valid data and handles cases without valid data.

    1. Test Case 1
      • This test case is to test the creation of ReviewResponseMap when there is a team signed up for the topic.
      • Expected output is that the ReviewResponseMap with assignment IDs should be created.
    2. Test Case 2
      • To check if assignment IDs are handled accurately when multiple teams are signed up.
      • Expected output is the ReviewResponseMap has been linked to first signed up team and so on.


    This method retrieves detailed bidding information for a specific reviewer and assignment. The tests generated check if the system is capable of retrieving data and can address errors.

    1. Test Case 1 (Invalid Reviewer ID):
      • This test verifies that an appropriate error is raised when an invalid reviewer ID is used.
      • Expected Output is to raise an exception error ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound


    • Edward F. Gehringer
    • Ruchika Malhotra
    • Dinesh Kannan
    • Vindhya Rani Mangapuram

